textbook case of homoeoteleuton - Claromontanus and Sinaiticus

Steven Avery

Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
An incredibly informative study:

Codex Sinaiticus Authenticity Research
Homeoteleuton - Text Omitted Because Of Similar Endings

homoeoteleuton textbook case ? W. R. Meyer

homoeoteleuton?s layman?s guide ? Steven Avery

discovery of homoeoteleutons ? W.R. Meyer

I took a look, but it's all Greek to me.
Steven Avery said:
An incredibly niformative study:

Full disclosure time:

Sinaiticus.net is a collaborative effort of:
Steven Avery, Dutchess County, NY
David W. Daniels, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Mark Michie, Austin, Manitoba


"Incredibly niformative [sic]"? Gee, no bias here, right Stevie?
Ransom said:
"Incredibly niformative [sic]"? Gee, no bias here, right Stevie?
  To a large extent there is no such thing as being bias-free in any matters involving faith and God.  Atheists have biases, textual critics have presuppositions, pure Bible believers tend to understand through the lens of the Bible.

Hard evidence,  in this case the homoeoteleutons, speaks for itself.  It is clear that the evidence is very difficult to square with a 4th century Sinaiticus.

"knowledge of documents should precede final judgement upon readings"
Fenton Hort, 1881
Steven Avery said:
To a large extent there is no such thing as being bias-free in any matters involving faith and God.

Well, thanks for the irrelevant niformation [sic], Stevie, but I was referring to the way you tooted your own horn, promoting your own work as "incredibly niformative [sic]." Though I have no doubt you do impress yourself very much, I find myself considerably less impressed.

And let us not forget that the Sinaiticus forgery conspiracy theory was concocted by a known fraud. Who was probably tooting his own horn when he tried to take credit for it.
The reason the studies are informative is that the "textbook case" homoeotelueton is an amazing find.

Maybe some day you will actually look at the pictures of the manuscripts and understand the evidence.

Steven Avery said:
The reason the studies are informative is that the "textbook case" homoeotelueton is an amazing find.

I don't get the impression that you find it too difficult to amaze yourself.
Give us the provenance of when Simonides had Claromontanus please.

I'm guessing that Beza's works would reference this?
Since he "discovered" the ms?

The funny thing is...we know that Tischendorf, Hort, etc., never saw the entire document, since 12 leaves were discovered after he gifted the majority of them to the Russian Czar.

We know that a portion of the document remains at Leipzig, a portion in Russia, and the majority in a British Museum.

It wasn't until the last 20 years, that technology has reunited the Kindling Kodex.

Just knowing this history, puts this whole discussion, and  Hort's work,  into irrelevance.

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