Started A Bible Study....


New member
Jun 5, 2015
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I've started a Bible study and am growing it into a church. Thanks to Tom B. for the monthly support we have $175 a month coming in for right now.  I found an AWESOME location for our meetings. Instead of having a place at $50/hr or a place to rent for $525/mo locked in for a year (upstairs with no elevator) I have secured a place for $18/hr!! I am so pumped. There is plenty of growth available for us as well as we could even rent a room up to 80 people or even 200 in a gymnasium.

Last week the manager of the one location for 50/hr forgot he scheduled us and so we met at IHOP for our first gathering. We had 8 in attendance. Yesterday we met and had 9! Praise God for his goodness.

We started studying through John - verse by verse...chapter by chapter and then going through a topical sermon. It is more of a sermonette than a 40 min sermon. We took time to pray together, worship together, encourage each other and share each other's burdens. I am already seeing fruit for it.

You have 8 people. Why in the world do you need outside financial support?
Lighthouse said:
I've started a Bible study and am growing it into a church. Thanks to Tom B. for the monthly support we have $175 a month coming in for right now.  I found an AWESOME location for our meetings. Instead of having a place at $50/hr or a place to rent for $525/mo locked in for a year (upstairs with no elevator) I have secured a place for $18/hr!! I am so pumped. There is plenty of growth available for us as well as we could even rent a room up to 80 people or even 200 in a gymnasium.

Last week the manager of the one location for 50/hr forgot he scheduled us and so we met at IHOP for our first gathering. We had 8 in attendance. Yesterday we met and had 9! Praise God for his goodness.

We started studying through John - verse by verse...chapter by chapter and then going through a topical sermon. It is more of a sermonette than a 40 min sermon. We took time to pray together, worship together, encourage each other and share each other's burdens. I am already seeing fruit for it.


We are one month in.

I have given sermons/lessons/Bible study for the past 3 weeks.
Sunday School Hour we are going verse by verse through John. Today we got to verse 13 and it was wonderful. They really seem to appreciate Bible teaching. I taught them of the enemies of the New Birth as found in that verse 1. blood (heritage or race) 2. will of the flesh 3. will of man. During the 11 AM time we sang some worship songs about our Great Saviour and then shared prayer requests and testimony of what God has shown them during their daily walk with Him.  Then I taught/spoke on the Abramic Covenant. It was awesome to see them grasp the practical application as I showed them the historic, cultural and biblical context of both the physical and spiritual covenants.

I really do believe that God is blessing us and guiding our steps.

To GOD be the Glory. One of the men told me he has been praying more and actually wanting a closer walk with God as a result of him coming to our group. God is so good.
rsc2a said:
You have 8 people. Why in the world do you need outside financial support?

Thank you Lord that I am not like these people.  8)