Spammy writes , dare I say, A Song

From my previous post:

Now, reader, if you have read through these 11 reasons and are still not convinced, then I have two questions for you:

1. Are you saved? Me- "Yes"

2. Do you want to attend Faithful Word Baptist Church? Me- "No"

If you answered "yes" to question 1 and "no" to question 2, then you may have just discovered the 12th reason why many of the people who we save* out door-to-door do not end up joining our church!

Me- "But you didn't save me, Stevie-boy"
Is there anything this man cannot do?

After listening to that video, I can think of two things.
Ransom said:
Is there anything this man cannot do?

After listening to that video, I can think of two things.

I about fell out of my chair laughing! :D
Ok, first I remember him saying he was "mid-trib." Now, he's "post-trib"?

1. Pre-trib
2. Mid-trib
3. Post-trib          <- You are here
4. Historical pre-mil
5. Post-mil/Amil (historic Reformed)
6. Post-mil/Amil (partial-preterist)
7. Full preterist
AresMan said:
Ok, first I remember him saying he was "mid-trib." Now, he's "post-trib"?

1. Pre-trib
2. Mid-trib
3. Post-trib          <- You are here
4. Historical pre-mil
5. Post-mil/Amil (historic Reformed)
6. Post-mil/Amil (partial-preterist)
7. Full preterist

Whatever he is, one thing is sure...he is an idiot!