Twisted said:
cpizzle said:
The new IB's are going too far in my opinion and have lost their distinction.
You'd be hard-pressed to see the distinction between them and most non-denom churches.
I agree.
I have a friend who left his church to take another ministry elsewhere.
I have known him since college.
Before he left, I could see some marked differences in his music.
Now, a new guy has taken over and the differences are widening.
It's just not me.
More praise and worship type of band music, less congregational singing of traditional hymns.
The one service I was there before the pastor left, they only sang one congregational hymn and I was really hard pressed to find a hymnal.
They put the words up on the screen, but no music to sing it by.
That's ok if you know the song off by heart, but not so ok if you don't.
Their chapel had the different color stage lights.
The new Pastor wears skinny jeans. (It was at a youth activity that I met him.)
Again, we're independent.
Do what you want, we have liberty.
But it's just not the direction I want to go.
It reminds me of the mega non-denom churches that are springing up everywhere.