So impressive

I grew up about a mile off the flight line of Seymour Johnson.  This was back when they still had a B-52 wing, morphed into a fighter base (F-4 and F-5) and tanker base.  I was probably in Jr. Hi before they disallowed them from creating sonic booms over the town.  Between the B-52's and sonic booms that place could rattle some windows and knock china off the shelves, let me tell you. 

Does your SIL go to church in the area?  I am still familiar with many of the churches in the area.
It is a nice area and my husband was in the Navy 23 years so we always enjoy visiting a military town.  I'll leave the name of the church they attend in a rep comment.
JrChurch said:
It is a nice area and my husband was in the Navy 23 years so we always enjoy visiting a military town.  I'll leave the name of the church they attend in a rep comment.

Very familiar with their church.  Some dear friends have been a part of that church for a long time now.  I moved from Goldsboro in 1975 and have been back to visit many times, but never have had the slightest desire to go back there and live.