Rex Humbard


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Jul 8, 2024
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United States
Does anyone else remember Rex Humbard?

He was ( I believe) the first pastor to have a nationwide television broadcast, that in my home location aired every Sunday morning before we would go to church. My parents were big fans and once, we traveled about 500-600 miles to visit Rex's church, "The Cathedral of Tomorrow" in Akron, Ohio. Unbeknownst to me, my best buddy at HAC had the same experience with his parents. He LOVED Rex Humbard!

The reason I mention this is that this same friend and I roomed together at the Balmoral Woods Inn in the Spring on 1977. Some may remember that HAC had so many students that year that they couldn't house the guys at Baptist City. So, they rented two floors of the Balmoral, which was located in Crete, Ill to house the overflow. It was ok, but a little bit strange. I met guys there like Mark Rasmussen, Phil Merhalski, Roger Casteel, Levi Robinson, Steve Kluth, Steve Hazel and so many others. We were all Balmoral residents.

But getting back to Rex -- he also had a daughter named Liz, who was about our age at the time. She was beautiful and my roommate was especially in love with her. He and I devised this plan where we would slip away from Hammond on a particular Sunday and drive to Akron and meet Liz. We wrote Rex a letter and asked if that might be possible. We waited anxiously for a few weeks for a reply and finally we got a letter from Rex. He told us that we would NOT be able to meet Liz, but that he appreciated our interest. Instead, he included an offering envelope and said that our contribution would be more than appreciated.

That incident makes me laugh today! Neither of us ever got to meet Liz Humbard. She is still alive but I don't believe there is a ministry any longer. I wonder if she knew she was so loved!