Republicans Keep Control of the House of Representatives!


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
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Thank God for that! It took long enough for these states with "mail-in" ballots to be called! Those using mail-in should be forced to have their ballots in the mail 10 days before election day so that they can be counted on or before. It's getting to be one of the main reasons so many people don't trust the results in these states. I'm hoping that Trump can finally get some of the things that he wanted to do in his first term done in this one!

Trump appoints at least three GOP members to cabinet or other offices. It will take three to six months for special elections. That's going to eat into a working majority for a while.
Thank God for that! It took long enough for these states with "mail-in" ballots to be called! Those using mail-in should be forced to have their ballots in the mail 10 days before election day so that they can be counted on or before. It's getting to be one of the main reasons so many people don't trust the results in these states. I'm hoping that Trump can finally get some of the things that he wanted to do in his first term done in this one!

Be careful what you wish for. Pre count comes with its own risks. Primarily is the possibility (likelihood) that the results will be leaked affecting how other voters view the situation. Much like the media calling the election before the polls close in western states. But instead of a few hours the impact could be stretched over several days. The media would have all sorts of ways to spin the story. And not necessarily in a good way.
We should remember that the GOP controlled both houses at the start of Mr. Trump’s first term.
We should remember that the GOP controlled both houses at the start of Mr. Trump’s first term.
With many "never-Trumpers" like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan in there. This time it will probably be a lot different. But, who am I to fight your "negative-Nelly" attitude? ::Eyes Roling::

Republicans Keep Control of the House of Representatives!​

Good! Now out-of-control spending, the continued attack on our freedoms and liberties, and the deflating of our fiat currency will be RED colored instead of BLUE.