Pop culture at its finest on Grammy awards.

Ah, the Emmys.... just another media event for me to ignore.
The Grammys, actually. Even more banal.

At the height of The Onion's popularity, there was a funny article about Marilyn Manson going door-to-door trying to shock people. It only took a few years for his actual shock value to fade.

Neither Sam Smith nor fake Satanism isn't shocking any more, it's just stupid. I mean, Alice Cooper was guillotining himself when our parents were young adults.
Neither Sam Smith nor fake Satanism isn't shocking any more, it's just stupid. I mean, Alice Cooper was guillotining himself when our parents were young adults.
I caught just the headline of the article and the picture of some dude in a red top hat with goofy looking horns. I am blissfully ignorant about anything this article supposedly covered but I was reminded of the 80s when all the panic ensued about Satanism and backward masking.

I may have related this in an earlier post but I was at an AWANA conference in Panama City FL when in one of the workshops some dude was decrying the fact that rock music was enticing kids to follow Satan. He talked at length about Don't Fear the Reaper by BÖC. At the time, I was trying to give up rock music. All that seminar did for me was fill my brain with that song to the point that it was difficult to focus on anything else that day.

Alice Cooper... a professing "believer" and "conservative"... 🙄
I may have related this in an earlier post but I was at an AWANA conference in Panama City FL when in one of the workshops some dude was decrying the fact that rock music was enticing kids to follow Satan. He talked at length about Don't Fear the Reaper by BÖC.
Another one of those songs that gets blown out of proportion by people not paying close attention to the lyrics. It's misconstrued as glorifying suicide (as Romeo and Juliet supposedly made a suicide pact) when it's actually about love transcending death.
Alice Cooper... a professing "believer" and "conservative"... 🙄
I can't comment on his politics, but in fact he's been quite outspokenly Christian for around 30 years now. And he's always maintained that the shock-rock stage show was just theatrics. I heard him in an interview once liken it to seeing a horror movie: you know you'll leave safely when it's over.
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I can't comment on his politics, but in fact he's been quite outspokenly Christian for around 30 years now. And he's always maintained that the shock-rock stage show was just theatrics. I heard him in an interview once liken it to seeing a horror movie: you know you'll leave safely when it's over.
I've heard many attest to the genuineness of his faith. It's been so long, I cannot remember when I first heard of his faith but I want to say it was pre 1990s.

I've heard that he's always aligned himself with Republicans but being he is from Arizona, my impression is it's the John McCain branch of the GOP.

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Quite a bit can be found in Wikipedia about Alice Cooper's faith and politics. I guess he tries to keep politics and music separate. He professes to be a moderate.
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For the most part, even in my liberal years, I didn’t watch that ignorant dung, but I definitely don’t give it a moments thought these days. The good news is, my kid is NOT seemingly very influenced by peer pressure on pop-culture stuff like whatever the current music buzz/controversy is. I somewhat agree with Ransom that it is droll and a weak effort on their part to merely get attention. On the other hand, I think that their minds really are given over to depravity and debauchery, and so it is easy and natural for them to try to flaunt their agenda, especially where young and impressionable minds can be desensitized.
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The Grammys' annual trolling of traditionally moral people continued apace this year with a full-on Satanic performance from Sam Smith and Kim Petras.

To even note that this happened is to draw fire: “Hey, why are you even noticing? Why do you even care?” This is the Face Tattoo Syndrome™ in action: do something highly provocative, then act shocked and appalled when people are provoked.

But there’s something deeper happening here, too. The elite in our society are fully in line with the ideology of Satanic fealty expressed by Smith and Petras.

So what’s the story with Satan and the transgressive ideology? For most of religious history, Satan was the great villain, an emblem of rebellion against the Good and the True, a symbol of resistance to the Holy.

When John Milton wrote “Paradise Lost,” (1667) his Satan famously stated, “better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.” Satan was the villain of the piece, abandoning the Good and the True for a personal sense of power.

For transgressive poet Percy Shelley, however, Satan was the hero of “Paradise Lost”: “Milton’s Devil as a moral being is as far superior to his God as one who perseveres in some purpose which he has conceived to be excellent in spite of adversity and torture.”

Why did he believe this? Because he believed that the essence of “love” is “liberty,” that the goal of life is subjective “happiness,” and that "religion and morality, as they now stand, compose a practical code of misery and servitude.”

This is the message of our modern-day Satanists as well. Religion and morality are evils. Worship of “authenticity,” particularly in the sexual realm, is the highest possible good. Worship Satan by worshipping yourself. Brought to you by Pfizer and Dr. Jill Biden, gang! - Ben Shapiro
This morning, Al Mohler had a good commentary on the grammy performance too.