Phil Sallie


Jun 2, 2014
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Is that guy still alive?

I went to HAC married.  Very young but married.  I realize I should have taken more control of my job/housing search but...

He promised me over the phone to have a job that pays $10 an hour and have an apartment lined up for me.  We spoke a few times on the phone.  "Don't worry, just get here".

Walk into his office and he hands me the classifieds.  Worthless piece of crap.

When Bro. Hyles would have him pray (in the staff rotation), he'd have people stand if Phil had helped them get a job.  I was always hoping for him to say, "Ok, if he turned you away for a job please stand".  I imagine hundreds more would stand for that one.

I saw no thread dedicated to him so I thought it apropos to start one.
I remember a story of Phil punching a guy in church for bothering his wife.
I started a thread about him on the old FFF.
GeneFrenkle said:
16KJV11 said:
I started a thread about him on the old FFF.

Sorry...guess I should have given you credit. ;)
No worries.  That was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
I only vaguely remember him. I don't think he began his official duties as the Employment Czar until I left in 1981.

But I wanted to take this space to thank someone who was very instrumental in helping me find a good job while at HAC. His name was Sammie Wooldrige. Sammi came to the school, probably in his mid thirties after having spent time in the Navy. He was a supervisor at the Union Tank Car Co. in East Chicago. Sammie learned that I had skills and told me to come to Union Tank Car and he could get me on. That's exactly what happened, and other than the time the company went on strike in the summer of 1980, I had a very good job. I was so grateful to Sammie, because in the late seventies, the economy was in the dumps and jobs were very hard to find, especially jobs that payed union scale.

I saw in the "Deaths of HAC Students" thread where Sammie went to heaven a few years back but I've never forgotten the kindness he showed me back then. RIP, Sammie.
I only vaguely remember him. I don't think he began his official duties as the Employment Czar until I left in 1981.

But I wanted to take this space to thank someone who was very instrumental in helping me find a good job while at HAC. His name was Sammie Wooldrige. Sammi came to the school, probably in his mid thirties after having spent time in the Navy. He was a supervisor at the Union Tank Car Co. in East Chicago. Sammie learned that I had skills and told me to come to Union Tank Car and he could get me on. That's exactly what happened, and other than the time the company went on strike in the summer of 1980, I had a very good job. I was so grateful to Sammie, because in the late seventies, the economy was in the dumps and jobs were very hard to find, especially jobs that payed union scale.

I saw in the "Deaths of HAC Students" thread where Sammie went to heaven a few years back but I've never forgotten the kindness he showed me back then. RIP, Sammie.
Great story
Upon Phil's HAC graduation, he was immediately hired as a teacher at Hammond Baptist Grade School in the late 70's. Many of Bro. Hyles' hires were questionable, at the least. This hire was a complete failure from the beginning and his employment at HBGS was very short lived. Scores of parents lined up outside of Auclair's office stating, not asking, that their child would not be assigned to his class. Imagine if your family was to pay full tuition for your child to sit in Phil Sallie's sixth grade class? SMH
Upon Phil's HAC graduation, he was immediately hired as a teacher at Hammond Baptist Grade School in the late 70's. Many of Bro. Hyles' hires were questionable, at the least. This hire was a complete failure from the beginning and his employment at HBGS was very short lived. Scores of parents lined up outside of Auclair's office stating, not asking, that their child would not be assigned to his class. Imagine if your family was to pay full tuition for your child to sit in Phil Sallie's sixth grade class? SMH
He didn't like me at all. He got me a job at UPS in Orland park.
I was making 9 bucks an hour, working 13-15 hours a week. I drove in with two supervisors so I was actually gone for 8 hours. I hurt my back and my neck working there and would have been financially withdrawn if I actually needed that job to make it through school. I quit after a month. Sallie would never get me another job. That's ok. I found all of my own, thanks to the Lord and persistence.