Perhaps the "Billy Graham Rule" is not such a bad idea after all!

For those of us with short memories this is what it said

The Billy Graham rule is a code of conduct for male evangelical Protestant leaders that states they should not spend time alone with women they are not married to. The rule is also known as the Modesto Manifesto.

The rule was created by Billy Graham's team to help evangelists avoid temptations. It's intended to show integrity, avoid sexual temptation, and avoid accusations of sexual harassment or assault.
If a liberal compromiser came up with that rule, no wonder Jackie boy and others of his ilk stood their ground and refused to follow this rule.
my personal rule is that i never go into a situation where i am alone with a man who is not my dad... . and... i also never let anyone male or female.. other than close family members.. get close enough to touch me..... if they move towards me i move away and always have...... to observers it makes for some humorous looking meetings when somebody i;m talking to is persistent on closing the gap and i keep turning and moving to make it wider... ....but that;s a rule i keep to for both my safety and theirs.... i don;t react well to being touched without permission.... and i rarely give it....
When the panickdemic first broke out, "social distancing" was being touted... I remember standing in the check out line at a grocery store, people were observing the 6' rule. I thought to myself, "this is a crisis?"

Truth be known, I practiced social distancing long before it was cool.
I thought that was the Lee Roberson rule? I remember when he was speaking to men at HAC and he told the story of going on a hospital visit. As he was leaving he ran into his wife who was there with other women and they were done. Lee said he came alone to the hospital and he was leaving alone. That's right, he wouldn't even take his wife with him. He also said he would never pick up a male hitchhiker who had long hair. As far as I know, he left this earth with an impeccable reputation.
Mike Pence was excoriated when it was revealed that he and his wife followed the Billy Graham rule. I thought it spoke well of them.
Mike Pence was excoriated when it was revealed that he and his wife followed the Billy Graham rule. I thought it spoke well of them.
And so did some of the women who worked him. I remember reading one op-ed by a former employee who said it made for a good work environment.