Some churches think that a Pastor divorced can't handle his own family, so shouldn't be the Pastor of a church. Others think that a Pastor divorced isn't disqualified if he doesn't marry again. Still others find that if a Pastor didn't commit adultery, and was divorced, as Charles Stanly was, because his wife didn't want to be married to him any longer, or his wife committed adultery and he divorced her, then they are ok to be a Pastor. I have known some Pastors that didn't differentiate as they said it would cause trouble, so they wouldn't let anyone preach in their pulpit, or be a deacon or choir director if they had been divorced. This is a sticky subject, given the percentages of divorce today among Christians. A well known preacher is a case in point: his wife apparently accused him of adultery, but it wasn't proven or attested to by anyone else, including the supposed partner in adultery. She divorced him and now he is Pastoring a church again. Is this kosher? Why or why not?