No More Mouse in the House 🐭


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Staff member
Jan 22, 2022
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Clarkston WA
I could tell we had a mouse in the house. The other day, I walked into the kitchen and the cat was staring intently under the refrigerator. A few days later, I found holes chewed a bag of sunflower seed kernels. Mrs. abcaines set out a couple traps baited with peanut butter but checking the traps a day or so later, one was sprung, the other still set but all the peanut butter was licked off both of them. How did the mouse manage that!?

I knew we were dealing with a talented little mouse!!! I found an old "Tomcat" brand trap which has a larger trigger paddle with holes in it (supposedly making it look like cheese) and stuffed sunflower seed kernels in the little holes and set it out. Tonight, before I took the trash can out to the curb, I checked on the traps I set in the basement. The one I stuffed the seeds into was sprung but the mouse was laying dead about three inches from it. If that little guy could lick peanut butter off a trap without springing it, it should be no surprise that he could nearly get away with setting off a trap without getting caught. I figured it did crack him in the head because the only sign of injury (besides being dead) was a little blood on his snout.

Well played, Mr. Mouse. Well played.
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