Lesson notes from Cindy 4 months before Jack's arrest


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Feb 2, 2013
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I saw this on a recent tweet. I'm not sure but I think "authority" means husband. Anyway, it's indicative of her mind set at the time. I doubt she still agrees with any of this and is probably embarrassed that she wrote it.

Sadly, she is a victim and now realizes this (I am sure).
Hopefully, if she runs across this thread, she realizes that we are praying for her!
There are PLENTY of things I wrote and preached that I would be horrified by today.
No mention of sex, hence going after 16 yr. old's.
thank you FSSL Cindy is to this day a sweetheart, and afriend to all. I'm so happy for her
I'm not sure, but I thought it might mean "cover up for authority" or cover up for hubby Jack Schaap if he gets caught. Isn't that why FBC-Hammond called in attorney David Gibbs Jr. of Christian Law Association when the scandal broke?

"Confucius say, CLA lawyer like toupee on head of bald man - is there for cover-up."
On the first page, I misread the instruction as "Regularly place cards in his underwear" which would probably be considered passive aggressive.
Yep. All taught in the great college class "Christian Womanhood." Some of those are great things to do and suggested by most SBC marriage authors, but you can tell it comes from a very different place that really isn't healthy.
I read some things like that today and wonder how anyone takes anything of the sort serious? But then again over forty years later I would like to think that I was too smart to be in a cult, but I suppose my actions belie my belief. And I am shamed by it.