Jussie Smollett come to HAC!


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Jul 8, 2024
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United States
First, this memory is very fuzzy, so I may have it wrong...

Does anyone remember back in the seventies an event where a security guard made up a story of getting assaulted and knocked out one night (or early morning) on campus and and then these supposed terrorists set the bridge at the lake on fire? Brother Hyles told this story from the pulpit and gave it all the appropriate (for the times) dramatization of how the world and the communists were against us and trying to destroy America!

Fairly soon thereafter the guy confessed that he made the story up to impress a girl. From a disciplinary respect, I don't think anything very severe happened to the guy.
Of all the ways to impress a girl....LOL!!! We were all young and dumb at least once!

This may not be the same event, but since I lived in the dorms in the 70s, this is what I remember.

One night, someone alerted all the girls they needed to go outside - bathrobes and hair curlers galore and no demerits given. What I think I saw was several of the male students standing around the lake in sort of a protective mode. After a few minutes, it was all over and we got the ok to go back inside. The rumor was that the guys thought there was a threat. It was nice that they felt protective, but I was glad to go back to sleep.

It was a while back, so I may have the events mixed up. I remember seeing a guy I had dated in the group. He was a good guy and sincere, but the whole thing was rather ridiculous.

We were all kind of young and dumb.
We were ignorant. Definitely.

Btw, I got a confirmation of the event from a friend this afternoon. He confirmed all the stuff I set forth and confirmed that it happened in the Fall of 1975, which is when I heard Bro. Hyles tell it at a conference.

He said the security guard left the school fairly soon after the truth came out, but wasn’t sure if he left voluntarily or was sent on his way!
My husband Danny Hester worked on security we left in 1983 and I never heard those stories. He started working on security in 1976-1983
I knew Danny. Good man!

But this in fact, happened. Since my original post I confirmed the event, including the names of the principals involved as well as my own recollection of Bro. Hyles telling the story at the Southwide Baptist Fellowship in December 1975.

I’m not going to state the guy’s name publicly. It’s been a long time. We all change, hopefully for the better!
My husband Danny Hester worked on security we left in 1983 and I never heard those stories. He started working on security in 1976-1983
I remember it, Sherry. What year did you arrive on campus?
I remember it, Sherry. What year did you arrive on campus?
I came on campus in 1975 and was on Miss Campbell floor and then Miss Shelhart floor for 2 years.
I worked Bucket and Bows cleaning bathrooms and mopping the hallways. Thats how I met my husband and we came good friends he walked on my floors LOL
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I worked Bucket and Bows cleaning bathrooms and mopping the hallways. Thats how I met my husband and we came good friends he walked on my floors LOL
I read that he passed away, Sherry. I'm so sorry.