Junior is OUT


Staff member
Jan 25, 2012
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, au revoir...

Wonder if he took a "long walk in the snow" like his dad? Hope he caught a cold.

They're taking him to a farm where he can run free and never have to worry about minority governments or uppity women in Cabinet ever again.
Great for our Northern friends! 🙌

Bummer that we will have to pay more to purchase Canada! :)
Having them as a state will be nice. The limits on how much game (fish. , venison, bear) you can bring home will go away.
Having them as a state will be nice. The limits on how much game (fish. , venison, bear) you can bring home will go away.
I can sell more machines if they get rid of the brokerage fees, duties, high taxes and a bettter rate on the US Dollar.
I would not want to have Canada to be part of USA,now Greenland I would take them in a heart beat
I can sell more machines if they get rid of the brokerage fees, duties, high taxes and a bettter rate on the US Dollar.
Vacationing in Canada once... Merchants kept asking me, "Oh... You're taking advantage of that cheap Canadian dollar, eh?"

Canadian Tire will take US bills but give change in Canadian currency. I was shopping in Prince George BC... I handed the clerk a $20 US and got $23 Canadian.
Not so fast! Trudeau gets the Governor General to suspend Parliament. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/prorogue-parliament-canada-meaning-1.7412120
Separate thing. Prorogation of Parliament means the prime minister asks the Governor-General to end the current session of Parliament. This means any outstanding parliamentary business Parliament is dropped and members are released from their duties. A new session of Parliament will resume at a later time (March, I believe) with a new throne speech setting out its new agenda.

Likely proroguing Parliament is a strategy of Junior's, as it prevents a potential no-confidence vote that could cause the dissolution of Parliament, which requires a new election.

However, it is a separate action from his resigning the leadership of the party, which ends his role as prime minister as well, once his replacement is chosen. Meanwhile, the Liberal government remains the government until an election is called, which will be in October at the latest.
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Separate thing. Prorogation of Parliament means the prime minister asks the Governor-General to end the current session of Parliament. This means any outstanding parliamentary business Parliament is dropped and members are released from their duties. A new session of Parliament will resume at a later time (March, I believe) with a new throne speech setting out its new agenda.

Likely proroguing Parliament is a strategy of Junior's, as it prevents a potential no-confidence vote that could cause the dissolution of Parliament, which requires a new election.

However, it is a separate action from his resigning the leadership of the party, which ends his role as prime minister as well, once his replacement is chosen. Meanwhile, the Liberal government remains the government until an election is called, which will be in October at the latest.
Exactly as the article describes. I get the feeling that this action is akin to someone playing an online game and hitting the pause button just before his character gets killed.
So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, au revoir...

Wonder if he took a "long walk in the snow" like his dad? Hope he caught a cold.
Congratulations! May your country get someone with some sense in there this time! :) Maybe y'all will get to be our 51st state! LOL
Exactly as the article describes. I get the feeling that this action is akin to someone playing an online game and hitting the pause button just before his character gets killed.

More like quitting the game and starting over. Prorogation causes any legislation not given royal assent to die on the table, and the government starts with a fresh agenda. Prorogation was more important, say, 100 years ago when cross-country travel was more difficult. Sessions were shorter and commonly prorogued, so that members had no further parliamentary duties and could go home to be available to their constituents.

Both parties have used prorogation strategically: the Harper Conservatives did it in 2008, controversially, to avoid a no-confidence vote that would have defeated their minority government.