Jokes that make you say - wow.

Binaca Chugger

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2013
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Okay, so we all are in situations where we need a quick little joke to lighten the mood.  Myself, I like corny jokes.  The ones that make you say, wow, but not in a good way.  Keep 'em clean and keep 'em coming.

Here's a start:

Two jumper cables walk into a Sunday School class.  The teacher says "Okay, but don't you two start anything!"
Why aren't there any scientific calculators in bars?

Friends don't let friends derive drunk.
A blonde was running to meet her long lost twin sister.

She got 17 stitches after breaking the mirror.
Two Polocks saw a window ad: 2 shirts - $1.25.  "We'll get rich!" they thought.  We can buy here and sell to our neighbors at $15.00/shirt!  They went into the shop and asked to purchase 20 shirts.  The vendor responded: "You guys need to leave, we don't serve Polocks here."  Confused, they asked: "How did you know we are Polish?"

Vendor: "This is a dry cleaner."
After much frustration, the blonde called tech support.

Tech: May I help you?
Blonde:  How do I set my laser printer to stun?
I wondered why the Frisbee was getting bigger.  Then it hit me.
Where do people go to learn how to make ice cream?

Sunday School!
Two women were talking at the doughnut table before Sunday School.

"Can you believe what Gertrude said about her husband?  Why my Fred is lazy, shiftless, proud, can't fix a thing around the house, never volunteers to help at the church and I can't remember when he last took me on a date..........but I don't talk about him!"
Why was the fish swimming at the bottom of the lake?

He dropped out of school.