Jobs for young people


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2013
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The south
I think its important for young people to learn to work & have responsibility when they are young. I think some of this training often comes from having a "real" job.

Do / did your teenagers have Jobs in the community and how did that work out. What types of jobs did they have and what steps did you take to try to prepare & protect them.

Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people. I have my ideas but would like to hear from others.
sword said:
I think its important for young people to learn to work & have responsibility when they are young. I think some of this training often comes from having a "real" job.

Do / did your teenagers have Jobs in the community and how did that work out. What types of jobs did they have and what steps did you take to try to prepare & protect them.

Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people. I have my ideas but would like to hear from others.

I have no idea why the statement that "most IFB pastors...discourage part time jobs..." should be given even remote credibility.  It is unprovable and, likely as not, completely false.

As far as your original question, I worked steady in a "real" job (got paid for production) from 3rd grade on. Can't imagine growing up without a job.  My sons worked real jobs routinely growing up. 

But as in all things, there is balance to be had.  It is very easy to become enamored with money or perceived success at that age, which is counterproductive to what good can be communicated through holding a job. 

Balance!  Learn balance.
sword said:
I think its important for young people to learn to work & have responsibility when they are young. I think some of this training often comes from having a "real" job.

Do / did your teenagers have Jobs in the community and how did that work out. What types of jobs did they have and what steps did you take to try to prepare & protect them.

Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people. I have my ideas but would like to hear from others.

Maybe IFB pastors frown on jobs for teens just like my parents frowned on some jobs for me as I grew up in a non-Christian home.
I took a job as a busboy in a 4 Star restaurant.
They worked me over 30 hours a week.
My grades suffered, I was linked to a ball and chain to that job.
Like anchor said, there are things more important out there than just making a buck.
Balance is the key.
Like KJV said, balance is key. However, the right job situation is good for kids. Not only does it teach work ethic, it also brings in the need for budgeting, the sensibility of spending correctly by understanding the difficulty in obtaining the needed funds, as well as how to work under bosses and with co-workers of various experiences and personalities.

My two oldest kids work at Sweet Frog yogurt. They are able to be flexible in their schedules and it has been a good place for them to work. Both have received an education through the interactions they have had with peers, bosses and customers. So "work" is more than just about "making a buck" at that age. It presents kids with opportunities for further social learning and developing good financial habits early on, using monies that they personally earn.
sword said:
Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people.
Why is it that most IFB pastors I know neither  discourage or encourage part time jobs for young people  but leave that up to their parents?
OZZY said:
sword said:
Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people.
Why is it that most IFB pastors I know neither  discourage or encourage part time jobs for young people  but leave that up to their parents?

Warning!  Warning!  NON-BASH ALERT!!!  Not allowed on sites like this. 
I said

OZZY said:
sword said:
Why do most IFB pastors I know discourage part time jobs for young people.
Why is it that most IFB pastors I know neither  discourage or encourage part time jobs for young people  but leave that up to their parents?
No offense taken here.

I would expect posters to react to any a blanket statement like "all IFB pastors" or "every church". That’s why I clearly stated most I know.

I have heard many sermons by good men encouraging teaching responsibility, but rarely are part time jobs encouraged. 

For whatever reason most IFB pastors "I know"  discourage it.

Just looking for everyone’s personal experience & opinions on the matter.

Do the risks outweigh the benefits?
sword said:
No offense taken here.

I would expect posters to react to any a blanket statement like "all IFB pastors" or "every church". That’s why I clearly stated most I know.

I have heard many sermons by good men encouraging teaching responsibility, but rarely are part time jobs encouraged. 

For whatever reason most IFB pastors "I know"  discourage it.

Just looking for everyone’s personal experience & opinions on the matter.

Do the risks outweigh the benefits?

"PERSONALLY"  the main reason we were not alowed to get jobs as teens was they did not want us to suffer the effects of being exposed to the "wrong crowd" because we might pick up on their habits. Usually there were a million things that we did for camp, YC, and other things around the church to "keep us busy."

Funny thing is that didn't stop teens from seeking what kind of things went on in the world and many ended up doing them anyway.
I worked as a young teen babysitting, working part time for my high school in the office. I then did Home Health work went to college and worked summers, and holidays for monies. I didn't have time for the wrong crowd. It's all about choices.........
My girls always made good money babysitting! Once they realized the money they could rake in-they took as many babysitting jobs as they could. My oldest (24) still babysits, and because she is older she gets more money! My oldest son came back from college and a couple days later he was back to work (chick fil a), when he comes home for holidays he is set up on the schedule. My youngest just had a job interview at the local movie theater, he has one more interview to go. I think working as a teen teaches responsibility, teaches them to work hard and to be rewarded for hard work. It also gives them something to do in the summer since I work and can not always entertain them.
sword said:
Do / did your teenagers have Jobs in the community and how did that work out. What types of jobs did they have and what steps did you take to try to prepare & protect them.

I admit, our kids were so active in school sports and church activities that we did not encourage regular jobs.  Our daughter worked at a retail store in college and we hired her 10 hours/week to work at home in exchange for her car and insurance.  The boys did yard work for us and we gave them a set amount of money- half went to them and the other half into the bank.  They did yard work for neighbors, too.  We paid for their cars and insurance with the understanding that they did yard work and snow removal for widows at church.  We have a son in college now and we decided that he does not have to have a job.  We have agreed that his "job" is to study.  He has a long road ahead of him, carries heavy class loads and takes his school work seriously.  His grades reflect his dedication so we are pleased.