Cut lawns as a boy
Senior year of high school, janitor at Royal Buick's body shop in Tampa, Fl.
Westhinghouse atomic plant in Tampa florida, tool crib attendant and then floor sweeper
Fairchild Hiller aircraft plant in Pinellas County Florida, working on C130s shot up in Vietnam. Had to be weight less then 130 lbs for job to crawl inside wings of C130s and replace fuel pumps.
Janitor at THCS, had to train someone on this Forum the fine art of janitorial work. (If you only knew how hard it was to get him to use the mop correctly, not mentioning any names)(TB)
Orderly at Centro Asturiano Hospital in Tampa
Orderly at BJU hospital my freshman year
LBC, mail room clerk, bottle sorter and then auditor at Pepsi Cola bottling plant in Lynchburg Va
Tampa, fl, Parts delivery, 89 day worker at USPS, PE teacher at Christian high school, computer operator at Peoples gas company, IBM computer operator, the lvl1 and lvl2 PSR, then VTAM system programmer, then AIX/WMQ administrator, Commercequest WMQ support, then laid off for 18 months
Moved to NC, WMQ admin for BofA, laid off, currently working for another company as WMQ administrator.