"Greats" Memories

Vince Massi

Well-known member
Jun 15, 2013
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Do you remember one of the "greats" telling you something? It doesn't have to be at HAC, but you have to have actually been there and heard him say it.

In 1970, saved less than a year, I went with my pastor to hear John R. Rice. He thundered away at pastors who don't win at least one soul a week, saying that they needed to resign the ministry and get an honest job.

Later, I stood in line to talk to him. I told him that when I prayed, I had a hard time keeping my mind from wandering when I prayed. He told me that he rarely settled down to pray, and he did not have a set time of prayer. He told me that he simply prayed constantly.
Interesting story. Maybe it isn't related, but I have noticed a lot of people use a repeating word pattern when they pray publicly. It's as if they need to repeat a phrase or a word often to keep the prayer on track. It's a little Pledge of Allegiance-ish and I have always wondered if speaking to God should be that impersonal.
A continuous conversation with the LORD is what John Rice always taught, pray without ceasing.
It was HAC's first year, and John R. Rice was the second guest speaker we had. Seated in aluminum chairs in the same chapel used by the high school, we heard Dr. Rice ask that everybody who had not read every last single word of the bible, including all the genealogies, to stand. I was shocked to see about 1/3 of the students stand up. Rice let them have it, and then he turned on Dr. Billings.l "This isn't Hyles-Anderson Bible College; this is Hyles-Anderson Heathen College!" he angrily told Billings. (And Yes, that is a genuine John R. Rice quote.)

A visibly-shaken Dr. Billings suspended classes so the students could finish their Bible reading before chapel the next day, and again Rice ordered anyone who had not read the entire Bible to stand. I sat there, admiring the courage and honesty of the four students who stood, because there's no way all of the others could have finished the entire Bible in one day.

Decades later, I wonder what kind of Christian would go off to a brand new, unproved Bible college, to prepare for a life of service, and they hadn't read the entire Bible? That first year class was a very Godly group, not a bunch of heathen. It was a wonderful year, surrounded by Godliness and Godly people.
What are you looking for?  I have spent most of my life around the well known names in the IFB.  They taught me many good things.  Are you looking for a list of quotable quotes, like the Chapel Sayings of Bob Jones, or are you looking for some of the outlandish remarks and beliefs of the IFB?
Is the point of the second story that anyone who hasn't read the bible through is a heathen or should not enroll at at Baptist college?
Norefund said:
Is the point of the second story that anyone who hasn't read the bible through is a heathen or should not enroll at at Baptist college?

No, the point is that after you graduate from said Baptist college, you'll still be a heathen.
I spoke to Dr. Lee Roberson at a Sword conference in 1994 about something inconsequential just because he was sitting on the front row and nobody was paying him any mind. I asked him if I could write him if I had any real questions.  He gave me his address.  Several years later I wrote him and told him that I was struggling with my preaching.  He wrote me back promptly and told me that several men that he knew had success just preaching straight through books of the Bible.  Wise advice. 
Agreed, very wise counsel.

Could use a lot more of that in the IFB, instead of the endless hobby horse sermons that are personal opinion masquerading as God's opinion.
When Dr. Roberson came to speak for us I always said to him, "it's good to see you Bro. Roberson". He always answered ,"at my age it's good to be seen anywhere".
Growing up in the faith as a young adult in the 1970s, I had the opportunity to heard several "great" preachers.

Heard John R Rice three or four times - thought he was a bit boring, but paid attention because he was older and I thought I should.

Heard Lester Roloff once -thought he was a bit of loud-mouthed troublemaker with a chip on his shoulder.

Heard Jack Hyles many times - thought he was an arrogant blowhard whose preaching was extremely shallow.

Heard Curtis Hutson several times - I always enjoyed his preaching; his funny stories and southern-drawl got me every time.

Heard Joe Boyd many times - didn't mind his preaching, even when it was a bit rough.

Heard Lee Roberson twice - what a gentleman. His preaching was clear and to the point. Enjoyed it immensely.

My wife and I were on our honeymoon.  We stopped for a Wednesday night service at Franklin Road Baptist Church.  Mrs. Rice was in the service.  Dr. Rice had been dead for a few years. 

Like a good HAC grad I walked over to where Mrs. Rice was sitting and asked her to sign my Bible.  I thought I needed to ask her some kind of a question.  The only thing I could think of was, "Mrs. Rice I'm sure you heard Dr. Rice preach 100s of times.  Was there ever a time you thought he was preaching a bit of a boring sermon?"  She stopped signing, looked me in the eyes, pointed at me and said, "Sir, Dr. Rice was never boring, never".

It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?" 
RAIDER said:
It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?"

I don't know, Raider. Whatever else your question was, it was definitely not Hacker.
RAIDER said:
My wife and I were on our honeymoon.  We stopped for a Wednesday night service at Franklin Road Baptist Church.  Mrs. Rice was in the service.  Dr. Rice had been dead for a few years. 

Like a good HAC grad I walked over to where Mrs. Rice was sitting and asked her to sign my Bible.  I thought I needed to ask her some kind of a question.  The only thing I could think of was, "Mrs. Rice I'm sure you heard Dr. Rice preach 100s of times.  Was there ever a time you thought he was preaching a bit of a boring sermon?"  She stopped signing, looked me in the eyes, pointed at me and said, "Sir, Dr. Rice was never boring, never".

It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?"

At least you didn't bring up storehouse tithing! :D
Smellin Coffee said:
RAIDER said:
My wife and I were on our honeymoon.  We stopped for a Wednesday night service at Franklin Road Baptist Church.  Mrs. Rice was in the service.  Dr. Rice had been dead for a few years. 

Like a good HAC grad I walked over to where Mrs. Rice was sitting and asked her to sign my Bible.  I thought I needed to ask her some kind of a question.  The only thing I could think of was, "Mrs. Rice I'm sure you heard Dr. Rice preach 100s of times.  Was there ever a time you thought he was preaching a bit of a boring sermon?"  She stopped signing, looked me in the eyes, pointed at me and said, "Sir, Dr. Rice was never boring, never".

It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?"

At least you didn't bring up storehouse tithing! :D

It probably would have elicited the same response.  :)
It's "elicited",  you HACker!!!

and THAT would've been a HACker question.

Earnestly Contend.
prophet said:
It's "elicited",  you HACker!!!

and THAT would've been a HACker question.

Earnestly Contend.

Correction being made.....brother.
RAIDER said:
My wife and I were on our honeymoon.  We stopped for a Wednesday night service at Franklin Road Baptist Church.  Mrs. Rice was in the service.  Dr. Rice had been dead for a few years. 

Like a good HAC grad I walked over to where Mrs. Rice was sitting and asked her to sign my Bible.  I thought I needed to ask her some kind of a question.  The only thing I could think of was, "Mrs. Rice I'm sure you heard Dr. Rice preach 100s of times.  Was there ever a time you thought he was preaching a bit of a boring sermon?"  She stopped signing, looked me in the eyes, pointed at me and said, "Sir, Dr. Rice was never boring, never".

It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?"

You might be a hacker if ...

Truly classic
You Might Be a HACker if....................

RAIDER said:
My wife and I were on our honeymoon.  We stopped for a Wednesday night service at Franklin Road Baptist Church.  Mrs. Rice was in the service.  Dr. Rice had been dead for a few years. 

Like a good HAC grad I walked over to where Mrs. Rice was sitting and asked her to sign my Bible.  I thought I needed to ask her some kind of a question.  The only thing I could think of was, "Mrs. Rice I'm sure you heard Dr. Rice preach 100s of times.  Was there ever a time you thought he was preaching a bit of a boring sermon?"  She stopped signing, looked me in the eyes, pointed at me and said, "Sir, Dr. Rice was never boring, never".

It was at that point that I thought, "What kind of a stupid Hacker question did I ask?"
"At least you didn't bring up storehouse tithing!"

Now THAT would have been Hacker!