Godspell the musical


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2019
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Lebanon, OH
A local dinner-theatre is performing the musical Godspell. I am unfamiliar with it but it does look interesting. This place also has gospel music nights, so I don't think they'd perform anything anti-Christian or blasphemous. Has anyone seen Godspell?
Have almost went to La Comedia several times.

Watched Godspell as a kid before I was saved. Seemed goofy then to me. It was widely panned by (secular) critics (like this) at the time of it's showing in 73. One modern secular reviewer had a pretty good zinger when trying to understand the plot of it...

WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH JESUS. This movie is starting to feel a lot like The Warriors. Are they going to take over the city or something?

Here's a religious review which snipes at the movie's lack of a resurrection scene...

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Have almost went to La Comedia several times.

Watched Godspell as a kid before I was saved. Seemed goofy then to me. It was widely panned by (secular) critics (like this) at the time of it's showing in 73. One modern secular reviewer had a pretty good zinger when trying to understand the plot of it...


Here's a religious review which snipes at the movie's lack of a resurrection scene...

i saw both those movies many years ago when they came on a retro movie channel.... .... i thought the warriors was entertaining even though it was totally out there in fantasy land.... but i was actually appalled by godspell.... didn;t even watch the whole thing.. .... it showed Jesus dressed and painted like a clown wearing a superman t-shirt.... ...what little of it i did watch gave me the impression the whole purpose of the movie was to mock Jesus... and make fun of christianity.. .. ..

someone famliliar with that whole time period agreed with me about the movie when i told him i saw part of it...... and also told me the who rock opera and movie tommy... was intended to do the same thing and mock christianity.... . but what made tommy slightly more palatable was the main character wasn;t actually named jesus.... .the characters were dressed normal like people of the day would have been ..... and also the music was much better.....
i saw both those movies many years ago when they came on a retro movie channel.... .... i thought the warriors was entertaining even though it was totally out there in fantasy land.... but i was actually appalled by godspell.... didn;t even watch the whole thing.. .... it showed Jesus dressed and painted like a clown wearing a superman t-shirt.... ...what little of it i did watch gave me the impression the whole purpose of the movie was to mock Jesus... and make fun of christianity.. .. ..

someone famliliar with that whole time period agreed with me about the movie when i told him i saw part of it...... and also told me the who rock opera and movie tommy... was intended to do the same thing and mock christianity.... . but what made tommy slightly more palatable was the main character wasn;t actually named jesus.... .the characters were dressed normal like people of the day would have been ..... and also the music was much better.....
I have watched Andrew Lloyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar as well as Tommy. All of those were first introduced to me by my dad when I was a child. I have a strange love-hate relationship with Superstar. I know it's blasphemous roots and theologically am appalled by it, but at the same time, without getting verbose, my dad watched that movie and would cry every time the crucifixion scene took place. He was not a professing Christian, but I hold hope from his reaction to that scene and knowing he watched the movie and was familiar at least in small part with the gospel that there was something in his heart that was evidence of a relationship with Christ.

Tommy, on the other hand, from memory, was nothing but profane. And I had never heard that it was supposedly intended to be a parallel, symbolically or any other way, to the life of Christ. But hearkening back to those early 70s and the Jesus People movement, coupled with people who were in artistic communities and Hollywood capitalizing on anything that will make them a buck or be irreverent, nothing would surprise me.
Have almost went to La Comedia several times.

Watched Godspell as a kid before I was saved. Seemed goofy then to me. It was widely panned by (secular) critics (like this) at the time of it's showing in 73. One modern secular reviewer had a pretty good zinger when trying to understand the plot of it...


Here's a religious review which snipes at the movie's lack of a resurrection scene...

Thanks. I think I know enough now that I wouldn't enjoy it.
If you ever do get a chance to go to LaComedia, I recommend it. Food is delicious and the performances are always high quality. My wife & I have been a half dozen times or so and have never been disappointed.
Thanks. I think I know enough now that I wouldn't enjoy it.
If you ever do get a chance to go to LaComedia, I recommend it. Food is delicious and the performances are always high quality. My wife & I have been a half dozen times or so and have never been disappointed.
I should clarify that it is not my intention to only provide negative feedback on the story. Most of the criticism comes from artistic and secular sources and their basis for criticism was in a theatrical sense, not theological. But there was a fair amount of review that essentially said that it maintained a theologically reasonable proximity to the parts of the narrative from the gospel of Matthew that it was drawn from, and in the sense of that narrative being portrayed in a musical it was enjoyable.

And after this covid stuff dies down if you all want to join up for one of the upcoming shows we'd be glad to join you.
Didn't Big Al play Pontius Pilate in the Bay Area version of "Jesus Christ Superstar"? Back in the 70's Jack Hyles had plenty to say about "Jesus Christ Superstar" but he didn't have much to say about "Godspell".
A local dinner-theatre is performing the musical Godspell. I am unfamiliar with it but it does look interesting. This place also has gospel music nights, so I don't think they'd perform anything anti-Christian or blasphemous. Has anyone seen Godspell?
Godspell is perhaps less theologically problematic than Jesus Christ Superstar. But it similarly suffers from the lack of a resurrection scene. The author has said that the play is about Jesus' effect on others and the building of the community around his teachings, and the resurrection isn't he point. This is basically similar to the classical theological liberal position, that the Bible is about man's experience with God, rather than a revelation from God.

Still, some of the music is all right. "Day by Day" was a respectable hit in the 70s.
I have watched Andrew Lloyd Webber's Jesus Christ Superstar as well as Tommy. All of those were first introduced to me by my dad when I was a child. I have a strange love-hate relationship with Superstar. I know it's blasphemous roots and theologically am appalled by it, but at the same time, without getting verbose, my dad watched that movie and would cry every time the crucifixion scene took place. He was not a professing Christian, but I hold hope from his reaction to that scene and knowing he watched the movie and was familiar at least in small part with the gospel that there was something in his heart that was evidence of a relationship with Christ.

Tommy, on the other hand, from memory, was nothing but profane. And I had never heard that it was supposedly intended to be a parallel, symbolically or any other way, to the life of Christ. But hearkening back to those early 70s and the Jesus People movement, coupled with people who were in artistic communities and Hollywood capitalizing on anything that will make them a buck or be irreverent, nothing would surprise me.
i think the reason he mentoned tommy... was the way the main character was presented like a messiah and had a huge cult build up around him towards the end.. ..... and the fact he knew i had seen that movie and liked some of the music.. even though i didn;t like the movie itself..... ... .... .. i never saw jesus christ superstar..... one reason was after reading the movie notes on it i never wanted to.... . but the main reason i never saw it was that it was never shown on that retro tv and old movie channel. ... .:sneaky:.... and in fact the only reason i saw part of godspell was that it came on right after rat patrol ... (one of my favorite oldies of tv shows).... and i already had my cheetos open and dr pepper in front of me ready to watch more tv.... it was almost seen by accident, but i didn;t stay with it long....

when it comes to mainstream hollywood movies based on Christ... or where Christ is a key figure..... the very best i ever saw was risen.... it actually portrays a resurrected Jesus and a roman soldier whose life is changed due to what he has witnessed.... ben hur (of 1959).. is also good as far as not portraying Christ in a grossly incorrect way.. but it stops at the crucifixion and doesn;t adress the resurrection.... .... ...it all comes to down to remembering who really runs institutions like hollywood and never expecting them to do anything other than mock christianity.... when they don;t i look at it as they accidently got something right... and put it on the screen before they realized what they had done..... ;)
i think the reason he mentoned tommy... was the way the main character was presented like a messiah and had a huge cult build up around him towards the end.. ..... and the fact he knew i had seen that movie and liked some of the music.. even though i didn;t like the movie itself..... ... .... .. i never saw jesus christ superstar..... one reason was after reading the movie notes on it i never wanted to.... . but the main reason i never saw it was that it was never shown on that retro tv and old movie channel. ... .:sneaky:.... and in fact the only reason i saw part of godspell was that it came on right after rat patrol ... (one of my favorite oldies of tv shows).... and i already had my cheetos open and dr pepper in front of me ready to watch more tv.... it was almost seen by accident, but i didn;t stay with it long....

when it comes to mainstream hollywood movies based on Christ... or where Christ is a key figure..... the very best i ever saw was risen.... it actually portrays a resurrected Jesus and a roman soldier whose life is changed due to what he has witnessed.... ben hur (of 1959).. is also good as far as not portraying Christ in a grossly incorrect way.. but it stops at the crucifixion and doesn;t adress the resurrection.... .... ...it all comes to down to remembering who really runs institutions like hollywood and never expecting them to do anything other than mock christianity.... when they don;t i look at it as they accidently got something right... and put it on the screen before they realized what they had done..... ;)
I just told my brother a week ago that Risen is one of the best "Christian" movies I have ever seen! Thought provoking, realistic, not predictable and sappy.
I just told my brother a week ago that Risen is one of the best "Christian" movies I have ever seen! Thought provoking, realistic, not predictable and sappy.
if we really like a movie we always go back and see it again.... sometimes more than once.... we saw risen twice and would have gone back again but it got pulled from the theater after being out 1 week... ...i think they do too many good movies that way.... most people out here don;t even learn about a movie until it;s been out a couple of weeks and other people tell them about it..... ..and if they don;t see it in the theater they will forget about it before it makes it to DVD... and won;t see it then either..... ...kinda strange how they market things.... makes no sense to me......
if we really like a movie we always go back and see it again.... sometimes more than once.... we saw risen twice and would have gone back again but it got pulled from the theater after being out 1 week... ...i think they do too many good movies that way.... most people out here don;t even learn about a movie until it;s been out a couple of weeks and other people tell them about it..... ..and if they don;t see it in the theater they will forget about it before it makes it to DVD... and won;t see it then either..... ...kinda strange how they market things.... makes no sense to me......
I am really quirky in my older age when it comes to movies, not wanting to waste too much time on media (unlike the FFF :LOL:). I RARELY ever watch a movie more than once, Fiddler on the Roof being one of those exceptions, but I would watch Risen again for sure.
I am really quirky in my older age when it comes to movies, not wanting to waste too much time on media (unlike the FFF :LOL:). I RARELY ever watch a movie more than once, Fiddler on the Roof being one of those exceptions, but I would watch Risen again for sure.
i think our own personal family record for going back to see a movie multiple times is 5.... ..my dad and i saw one movie 5 times in the theater several years ago... but in truth i don;t think he would have gone that many times himself except he was going with me and i really wanted to go.... ...but then again... the movie was master and commander... so he might have given his past of working on tall sailing ships and love of that subject... . ..i do know of a few movies however he only went back to see a second time because i really wanted to go and i can;t go to a theater by myself... ...
i think our own personal family record for going back to see a movie multiple times is 5.... ..my dad and i saw one movie 5 times in the theater several years ago... but in truth i don;t think he would have gone that many times himself except he was going with me and i really wanted to go.... ...but then again... the movie was master and commander... so he might have given his past of working on tall sailing ships and love of that subject... . ..i do know of a few movies however he only went back to see a second time because i really wanted to go and i can;t go to a theater by myself... ...
Loved master and commander too! Most of what Russell Crowe fits in that category for me.
Have you seen Unhinged?
No, unfortunately my cynicism of Hollywood's propensity to put out time-wasting garbage has led me down the path of detachment so much that I don't even keep up anymore with the latest and greatest coming out. Was it any good?
No, unfortunately my cynicism of Hollywood's propensity to put out time-wasting garbage has led me down the path of detachment so much that I don't even keep up anymore with the latest and greatest coming out. Was it any good?
Well, let's just say that if you ever tended to road-rage, you'd be hesitant to do so in the future. :D
It was an interesting movie overall.
Well, let's just say that if you ever tended to road-rage, you'd be hesitant to do so in the future. :D
It was an interesting movie overall.
I will give it a review and see if it might be in my wheel-house. I generally like well-done (think Hitchcock for us old foagies :p, or Fatal Attraction for a moderately modern example) suspense/thriller movies. I have chilled on the road-rage propensities that were slightly present when I was a young fella, but in my early 20's while on a date with ALAYWIFE I had one of those "chase 'em down" moments and freaked her out before she did eventually get through to my blinded tunnel-vision (and luckily before the fella pulled over and whipped my butt :LOL:).