These stories start out many times as suppositions as:
"I don't know maybe when little Fidel was a boy he may have visited a Baptist Church. He would have probably attended a Sunday School class that morning. And what if it was that morning the Sunday School Teacher failed to show up. Maybe, just maybe little Fidel would have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ that morning. Maybe he would have gotten saved that morning if only his Sunday School teacher would have just shown up. You don't know the children who sit before you on a Sunday Morning. You don't know who they will grow up to be. You could make the difference in not only a child's life but perhaps save countless thousands or tens of thousands by just sticking by the stuff, Doing your duty. Be faithful. Entire nations are depending on it."
And then it gets told and retold in "illustration" as it morphs into Bro so and so preached it so it must be true and different infamous get plugged in as the exact details are forgotten and all without one wit of research.