I was suprised to see in this article that FBC has grown under Wilkerson. That?s not a slam on him, just a statement of all that he has had to deal with. I believe the number of attendees under Schaap was around 16,000, this new listing says attendance is now 17,700. Although FBC has not keep pace with the growth of many of these other churches, they have still grown. Which I find remarkable after all that has happened.
I was suprised to see in this article that FBC has grown under Wilkerson. That?s not a slam on him, just a statement of all that he has had to deal with. I believe the number of attendees under Schaap was around 16,000, this new listing says attendance is now 17,700. Although FBC has not keep pace with the growth of many of these other churches, they have still grown. Which I find remarkable after all that has happened.