Evangelistic Phrases - "Ask Jesus Into Your Heart," "Pray This Prayer After Me"


Well-known member
Jan 1, 2019
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"Having someone repeat a prayer or ask Jesus into their heart muddies the nature of saving faith. Upon 'praying the prayer,' many are given a false assurance that they are saved even though they may not truly understand the gospel. As a result, instead of looking upward to the person and work of Christ, far too many are looking backward at a religious experience or prayer they prayed years ago as the basis of their salvation. One Bible teacher notes, 'Because of some childhood prayer, tens of thousands of people are absolutely certain of a salvation they do not possess… For many, the sinner’s prayer has become a Protestant ritual they go through without considering what the prayer is supposed to embody.'"

"Surveys show that more than 50 percent of people in the U.S. have prayed a sinner's prayer and think they're going to heaven because of it even though there is no detectable difference in their lifestyles from those outside of the church."

There's not much to add to your post, except EXCELLENT!
This came about because we worshipped 'success' and let big-name 'soul-winners' give 'classes' on how to 'win' people. Having been in some of those, they were more like 'how to manipulate a person into saying a prayer'.
I agree with the essence of the article, but as somebody who has considerable experience in one-on-one evangelism I can say that all of that opposition he expresses can be easily remedied when the person who is doing the witnessing explains that it is not the prayer or recitation of any combination of words that saves a person, but rather that the person place their faith in Christ. An analogy of helping somebody to formulate their first prayer can be relatable when thinking about a child who's learning to ride a bike and lacks confidence. At first you start them with training wheels, then you take their training wheels off and you guide them with your hands subtly on their back and/or shoulders, and after they understand their balance a little better or at least feel/trust it a little better, you take your hands off without them knowing it and let them go.