Early "only" View?

Citadel of Truth

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Jun 4, 2013
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South Carolina
By the end of the first century of the Christian era, more and more Jews ceased using the Septuagint because the early Christians had adopted it as their own translation. At an early stage, the belief developed that this translation had been divinely inspired, and hence the way was open for several church fathers to claim that the Septuagint presented the words of God more accurately than the Hebrew Bible. [Emphasis mine]
The Bible in Translation - Bruce M. Metzger - pg.18

I've often heard it said that KJVOism is a new thing. It seems that there was a philosophy of "onlyism" even among the first century Christians, and the object of their "only view" was a translation. Any similarities here of the modern day KJVOism? 
Each generation probably has its  fearful superstitious religionists.

The twentieth and twenty-first centuries have KJVOs representing the majority category among "fearful superstitious Protestants".  (The "Luther Bibel Only" Lutherans and "Reina Valera Only" Hispanic Fundamentalists are mere splinter categories compared to English speaking KJVOs :) )

Roman Catholics and Muslims have their own particular representations among modern fearful superstitious religionists too, but they're an altogether separate discussion.
It was Latin Vulgate onlyism that got Tyndale choked and burned at the stake along with some of the Bibles he had translated. KJVOs are just Catholics in fundamentalist dress.

bgwilkinson said:
It was Latin Vulgate onlyism that got Tyndale choked and burned at the stake along with some of the Bibles he had translated.

Do you have any quotes to document this?  Should be most interesting to read.

Remember, Tyndale translated from the Erasmus text, which had the ok of the RCC until the Council of Trent and the counter-Reformation directives, by which time Tyndale was deceased.

The Complutensian was also translated by RCC scholarship.  What punishment did those men receive for their Greek edition?

Yours in Jesus,
Steven Avery