Twisted said:
RAIDER said:
Twisted said:
cpizzle said:
I am a pastor, I attended several Pastors Schools, and they helped me.
Does that mean that they weren't oftentimes shallow and "off the rails" at times....of course not.
I took them for what they were and they were a blessing. I think that is the point...once you recognize what you are getting and modify your expectations, then you can be helped.
I believe I stated that pastors go to get a recharge, have fun, fellowship, etc.
But the question is did it help the man in the pew in your church?
If a pastor came back "recharged" and with some new ideas I would think it would help the man in the pew.
Not necessarily. If the pastor got "recharged" and came back to his church running 50 wanting to be the "largest Baptist church in the county" and tried to get his members to work harder, sacrifice more, "win souls", give more, etc., then it could have the opposite effect. I think we've heard stories about that.
And why do we need "new ideas"? What has any of that to do with getting closer to God? Becoming "soldiers for Christ"? IMO, the majority of Baptists are ignorant of the BIBLE. Seems like time should be spent teaching the BOOK. Why is it the majority of kids coming up through Sunday School couldn't say/spell all the books of the Bible and are clueless about who the Apostles are? Do mega-conferences help with that?
Sometimes we 'pastors' get in a rut, or we lose focus, or we just get downright depressed. I know that never happens to anyone else but me... Sometimes a good time of fellowship and some good preaching is what we need to keep us encouraged and focused.
The right kind of conference can do that.
I like having revivals here at my church, but a revival isn't necessarily a time of rest or focus for a pastor, he is just as busy caring for the needs of the evangelist, organizing the services, leading the special music (as I do), so, getting away to a conference where all I have to do is attend can be very refreshing.
So, the right kind of conference can be a real help.