Can They Still Make HACkers?

IFB X-Files

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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Dark side of Zarus 3
Possibly this subject has been discussed before, but as someone has said, "It's all about the numbers".

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Dan Vaughn.  I did not know him very well.  If memory serves, he came on staff at Central Baptist in Pomona around 1980 just as we were leaving.  I met him again in the early 90's when he visited our church in Reno as his family was there on vacation (borrowed someone's time share).

So it is sad to see our numbers dwindle away.  Or are they?  Is HAC still making HACkers?

To me, a true HACker can only be one who sat under the ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles.  It's like only those who saw Jesus and sat under his ministry could be an apostle. (Just an FYI, but the twelve the Mormons call apostles are not real apostles)

So can they still make HACkers?
As long as true HACker continue in to live up to the fundamentals traits, behaviors & standards of what Jackie-boy thundered across the pulpits of FBCH & HAC, there will be those who cannot or refuse to think for themselves picking up the mantle of old old-fashioned HACkers. ::)
IFB X-Files said:
To me, a true HACker can only be one who sat under the ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles.  It's like only those who saw Jesus and sat under his ministry could be an apostle. (Just an FYI, but the twelve the Mormons call apostles are not real apostles)

So can they still make HACkers?

Maybe now we will have a "Damascus Road" type of Hacker?
I am actually going to give a serious answer to your humorous question.

In the very beginning, we were the world's largest Sunday School (8,000 average attendance). We met every single goal in all of our spring and autumn campaigns, and we were winning more souls to Christ than anyone else. When they told us that we were to believe everything they said without question, it made perfect sense to me.

Four decades later, HAC and FBCH are a scandal-ridden disgrace. A person who believes everything they tell him today has a different set of issues than the original HACkers had.
IFB X-Files said:
Possibly this subject has been discussed before, but as someone has said, "It's all about the numbers".

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Dan Vaughn.  I did not know him very well.  If memory serves, he came on staff at Central Baptist in Pomona around 1980 just as we were leaving.  I met him again in the early 90's when he visited our church in Reno as his family was there on vacation (borrowed someone's time share).

So it is sad to see our numbers dwindle away.  Or are they?  Is HAC still making HACkers?

To me, a true HACker can only be one who sat under the ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles.  It's like only those who saw Jesus and sat under his ministry could be an apostle. (Just an FYI, but the twelve the Mormons call apostles are not real apostles)

So can they still make HACkers?

If a person reads the entire "You Might Be A Hacker" thread they would have an understanding of what it takes to be a Hacker.

If a person would read, listen and worship all things Hyles they could be a Hacker.

There is a pastor in Los Angeles that has only attended Pastor's school once or twice with Hyles. Listened to him preach many times in California and read his books. The church he pastors is as much a numbers oriented as any church pastored by any Hacker. As a matter of fact the current pastor of FBC Hammond attended several of the conferences that this church put on.

When I was there the church was third in the nations in baptisms, then second in the nation and stayed second. Per capita of soulwinners and baptisms the church would have been first in the nation. Weekly they award the Soulwinner of the week (the person with the highest number of baptisms that week) along with a yearly Soulwinner's Hall of Fame (100 or more souls won).
IFB X-Files said:
Mathew Ward said:
If a person would read, listen and worship all things Hyles they could be a Hacker.

Well said.  So Schaapites are not HACkers.

Using who's numbers?

I find that hard to believe.

I can think of a half dozen churches in Texas alone that had close to 1000 baptisms or more a year in the 90's & 2000's