Can an American Be a Democrat?

“Three phone calls were made from Schumer and Pelosi. Biden said I’m in this thing, I’m not leaving. A couple phone calls are made, and all of a sudden he’s pushed out and in 48 hours all the delegates aren’t given a choice of other candidates, they’re told you’re gonna get behind Kamala.”
To his point, reports had indicated that Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) had repeatedly engaged with Biden in a “good cop, bad cop” routine that included alleged threats of invoking the 25th Amendment to kick him out of the White House if he refused to suspend his re-election campaign.

The United States will never recover if the Democrat party controls the White House, the Senate, and the House for another four years. The institutions of government will be irretrievably in the hands of the Marxists/socialists.
Over the past thirty years, the federal Judiciary has increasingly assumed the role of being the last line of defense in upholding the Constitution and the rights of every American. Once Barack Obama assumed the presidency, he and the party, per the Marxist blueprint, have been singularly focused on radicalizing the federal Judiciary.
That single-minded determination has culminated in Obama and his minion, Joe Biden, appointing numerous radical left-wing judges during their twelve years in office. The unabashed lawfare directed at Donald Trump and the January 6 protesters is a manifestation of their increasing success.
Here are the three unforgivable sins the gazillionaire tech mogul has committed against the left.


The latest instance of this troubling trend comes from Georgia, where the state’s Election Board has taken a bold step toward safeguarding election integrity—only to be met with fierce opposition from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Party of Georgia.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the Georgia Election Board voted 3-2 in favor of a new rule that mandates election workers to compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.​
Millions of military age men have come across our border illegally. It has become a full blown invasion brought about by the Democratic Party and we are told that it is unchristian not to welcome those who have broken our laws with open arms and Christians have no business addressing these issues because that is "political." What is taking place in Aurora Colorado is just one example of foreign gangs taking over parts of our cities and I am hearing disturbing reports that biker gangs are about to descend on the city. We are living in troubling times. As an American I could not be a Democrat.
The Democratic Party has exploited the Black family but it has also affected every other demographic of society. Paying single women to have babies out of wedlock and getting the populace addicted to welfare has played a large part in destroying this country. Hopefully, many in the minority communities have had their eyes opened.