Can A Christian Be An Atheist?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2012
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May as well cut to the chase.  8)
I have not been here long enough to know who is serious and who isn't. So I will roll the dice and answer as if this is a serious question. In the "literal" sense, no a Christian cannot be an atheist. However in a "practical" sense, many Christians are indeed atheistic in their living. We (myself very much included) go about our lives at times giving no more regard to God than the atheist does. For example, prayer is many times our last resort instead of our first course of action.
There are respected theologians, such as Lewis Sperry Chafer or C. C. Ryrie, who have argued so strongly in favour of a perverted view of "eternal security" that they have said a saved Christian could fall away entirely from the faith (and become an atheist, amongst other things) and yet still have assurance of eternal life.

So as stupid as the spoof question in the OP is, there are still people - who are not stupid, and should really know better - who would answer yes.
Ransom said:
So as stupid as the spoof question in the OP is ...

Whew, I thought for a moment you were going to call me stupid!  ;D
Theologically, no.
Practically, that's how many live their lives.  ;)