Background check for church employees / workers


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
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Hammond, IN
My wife and I want to do some volunteer work at the church we've been attending for the past five months or so, but in order to be a volunteer one has to be a member. After talking it over, we've decided to go through all the steps necessary to become members.

When we were looking over the (extensive) list of volunteer opportunities at the church, we noticed that some positions required a background check, such as nursery attendant, children's Sunday School teacher, offering collector and kitchen helper. There were a few others, but they escape me at the moment.

Kitchen helper?!? Seriously?? Yeah, I can understand the others. I'm sure the church doesn't want a pedophile watching infants and/or young children, nor a thief collecting the offerings, but a background check on someone who wants to help prepare food seems a little absurd. Do they think someone is going to spit in the coffee, or put pot in the brownies?

Anyway, I have nothing to hide, so a background check wouldn't bother me one bit. I was just surprised to see the kitchen helper position on the list.

Would like to hear your thoughts on the subject of background checks for church workers in general, not just for kitchen helpers.

Our church does the same thing, minus the kitchen part. I think it is a good idea, especially in a bigger church. I've heard and read about criminals and pedophiles who move to different locations and put on their act, and then one day the worst happens.
Anyone working in an official capacity for a ministry, even non-paid positions, should have a background check run on them.

These days it is easy and not expensive, and with recent scandals both in a ministry and outside of a ministry, it is imperative that they are circumspect.

It may seem harsh, but think about your own churches, and how often children may be walking alone just because they are at church, or are befriended by the elderly usher that has been a member for years....

Parents would invite John Wayne Gacy to their child's birthday can never be too cautious.

I have dozens of examples inside and outside of a church where good parents were duped by someone they trusted with their kids.
If you're working with children or helping in a church you should have a level 2 background questions ask!!

Thank the church that does this...
I think it's a very good idea.

Some people think they can spot a predator or thief, but you can't always. I worked as a prison guard for years. I met a lot of inmates who seemed like nice, normal people. It was shocking to see what some of them were doing time for, because I would never have guessed if I had met them elsewhere.

My guess for the kitchen prep background check is that they either worry about someone messing with the food (it happens) or they have young volunteers there and want to keep an eye on who is around them.
Background checks for all workers are a must. In order for the Church to get insurance coverage (called molestation coverage) they must have background checks on all workers for this coverage to kick in if needed.  You will find in all jobs, someone will bring their kids with them and thus the need to check everyone no matter what the job. Even with the checks, the pervs still manage to get in.  Gods wisdom gives the best protection - in the presence of witnesses.
Would like to hear your thoughts on the subject of background checks for church workers in general, not just for kitchen helpers.

All for them, particularly where children are concerned, at least up to a certain age level (say, middle school).  My church had an experience with a predatory youth leader in the 1980s-early 90s.  A background check won't necessarily screen out the first-time offenders, but it might catch someone with a history.

Screening kitchen helpers sounds a bit odd, but when you consider how much trust you put into the people who prepare your food, it kind of makes sense. A choir leader isn't going to make you sick. Besides, the kitchen help serves treats to children, too. (As far as I know, my church doesn't do background checks for kitchen help, but they do have to be trained and certified to be allowed into the kitchen, which has a cardlock.)
I think background checks of the nature you described are a must, but not the end of security and preventative measures.  I make it a habit to the best of my ability to never be alone with children.  Having an adult witness to counter any spurrious claims is very important.
HeDied4U said:
My wife and I want to do some volunteer work at the church we've been attending for the past five months or so, but in order to be a volunteer one has to be a member. After talking it over, we've decided to go through all the steps necessary to become members.

When we were looking over the (extensive) list of volunteer opportunities at the church, we noticed that some positions required a background check, such as nursery attendant, children's Sunday School teacher, offering collector and kitchen helper. There were a few others, but they escape me at the moment.

Kitchen helper?!? Seriously?? Yeah, I can understand the others. I'm sure the church doesn't want a pedophile watching infants and/or young children, nor a thief collecting the offerings, but a background check on someone who wants to help prepare food seems a little absurd. Do they think someone is going to spit in the coffee, or put pot in the brownies?

Anyway, I have nothing to hide, so a background check wouldn't bother me one bit. I was just surprised to see the kitchen helper position on the list.

Would like to hear your thoughts on the subject of background checks for church workers in general, not just for kitchen helpers.


The law doesn't care what your job is. If you are so much as in the vicinity of children you are considered a potential suspect if a case comes up. I had to do a criminal record check before I could around seniors even though all I did was maintenance some years ago. Though I don't have to get a criminal record check for summer camp I have to fill out a section that allows the law to check my background before I can volunteer as staff - I won't be a counsellor but all staff must fill out the entire application.
Thanks y'all for all the good responses so far.

This has been a good discussion for both me and my wife.

Let's keep it going.

