When we go soulwinning, we don't look at it as a way to get 'results', per/se'...But at as a way to get the Gospel out, obeying the great commission, planting, watering and harvesting. When I go out door knocking, I talk to people as one who wants to get outside of the doors of the church, into the community, meeting people, inviting them to church. If people engage in conversation with me, I look for an opportunity to witness. Usually, I'll ask, "If I can show how you can know for sure you can go to heaven, would you be open to that?" If they say yes, I proceed with the Gospel, if they say no, I politely thank them for their time and let them know if they ever need a minister for any reason, to please give me a call. I have to admit, we don't get much 'results' from this, as in people coming to church, but I believe that at the very least, we are getting the Gospel out into the community, by either spoken or written word. I encourage God's people to come soul-winning and to be a witness where they live and at their jobs.
Most people in our church don't come soul-winning, and I hear very little of anyone witnessing where they work or live.
The lack of visitors to our church from either is testimony to that.
So, what do you do?