Anyone ever do a statistical study on KJVO teachings in sermons?


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Jan 31, 2012
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Gulf Shores, Alabama
In the last two years of Jack Hyle's ministry, did he mention something about the superiority or only belief about the KJV in most or all of his sermons?

Does KJVOism show itself in every sermon of Steven Anderson?
I posted this on a different thred but it is certainly germain to your quesiton.

subllibrm said:
Little Bible Church in a little no where corner of no where hires a man to be their pastor. He tells them upfront that he is KJVO and he will use the pulpit to fight for it. Give him points for honesty.

Anyway, my daughter goes to visit. His "sermon" is on the subject of the word charity versus love. He spent 45 minutes detailing the nuanced differences between the two words and how America needs to learn to proper meaning of charity so that they can understand the KJV. He wrapped up the "message" by challenging anyone who might disagree to meet him after so he could pin their ears back (I am not making this up).

On her way home my daughter replayed his "preaching" in her mind and realized that he never even made any attempt to challenge his people to have charity. Not surprising since he didn't display any in his quest to point out the failure of the word love to convey the meaning of charity.
Your thread topic has a MAJOR flaw. 

You are assuming that us HACkers understand Statistical Analysis.  We do count, but we only count the important things.  You know, like people on a bus, repeated prayers, dunkings and other such categories.  We are very fond of inventing new ways to reach a summation in effort to inflate our numbers to the highest feasible pinnacle.  We will only use numbers to indicate God's awe of our success for Him.  Any other use of numbers must certainly be an exercise in the devil's perversion of numerology.
Lol! But hackers have been know to count how many times Spurgeon spoke of Calvinism. :)