Ahh! My eyes, my eyes.


Joel's in pretty good shape, but he obviously doesn't get a lot of sun.

And no, he's not really a fundy, more like non-denominational WoF-lite. His messages owe more to Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill than they do to the Scriptures. Give him credit for giving God plenty of praise and thanks, but he's more motivational speaker than preacher.
Izdaari said:
Joel's in pretty good shape, but he obviously doesn't get a lot of sun.

And no, he's not really a fundy, more like non-denominational WoF-lite. His messages owe more to Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill than they do to the Scriptures. Give him credit for giving God plenty of praise and thanks, but he's more motivational speaker than preacher.

Ain't that the truth.

My mom watches him every Sunday afternoon, despite my telling her how off the mark he is. This goes back about a year or so, but one Sunday afternoon I was over there and his program was on, so I sat down to watch (have no idea why). I don't know how long his "sermons" are, but during the about 23 minutes or so long message they showed, not once did he quote any Scripture. Not that he would have handled it correctly if he had quoted any, but I found it highly suspect that no Scripture was referenced at all. In my book, that's a huge red flag.
HeDied4U said:
Izdaari said:
Joel's in pretty good shape, but he obviously doesn't get a lot of sun.

And no, he's not really a fundy, more like non-denominational WoF-lite. His messages owe more to Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill than they do to the Scriptures. Give him credit for giving God plenty of praise and thanks, but he's more motivational speaker than preacher.

Ain't that the truth.

My mom watches him every Sunday afternoon, despite my telling her how off the mark he is. This goes back about a year or so, but one Sunday afternoon I was over there and his program was on, so I sat down to watch (have no idea why). I don't know how long his "sermons" are, but during the about 23 minutes or so long message they showed, not once did he quote any Scripture. Not that he would have handled it correctly if he had quoted any, but I found it highly suspect that no Scripture was referenced at all. In my book, that's a huge red flag.

I don't see any harm in listening to him. His messages are helpful and encouraging, and I'm sure they help many people. He doesn't teach anything that's wrong unless having a positive attitude and being loving to your neighbor is wrong, and giving God praise and trusting that God is in charge is wrong. And he usually does quote at least some Scripture, though not always. But if that's all the preaching you hear, you're going to be spiritually malnourished, because there's a lot of important stuff he doesn't talk about. And may not even know much about, because as he freely admits, he's never been to seminary. As a preacher, he's not good, not even qualified really... but he is a good motivational speaker.
Izdaari said:
Joel's in pretty good shape, but he obviously doesn't get a lot of sun.

And no, he's not really a fundy, more like non-denominational WoF-lite. His messages owe more to Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill than they do to the Scriptures. Give him credit for giving God plenty of praise and thanks, but he's more motivational speaker than preacher.

He teaches the health, wealth and prosperity gospel, which is no gospel at all. That is a false gospel and hence he is a false teacher, and I do not think it is ok for people to listen to him, even as a motivational speaker.
Bob said:
Izdaari said:
Joel's in pretty good shape, but he obviously doesn't get a lot of sun.

And no, he's not really a fundy, more like non-denominational WoF-lite. His messages owe more to Dale Carnegie and Napoleon Hill than they do to the Scriptures. Give him credit for giving God plenty of praise and thanks, but he's more motivational speaker than preacher.

He teaches the health, wealth and prosperity gospel, which is no gospel at all. That is a false gospel and hence he is a false teacher, and I do not think it is ok for people to listen to him, even as a motivational speaker.

He hasn't convinced me of it, and I don't think he ever will. It's certainly not the most productive way to spend your time though, unless you need that 'power of positive thinking' kind of help. As a spiritual meal, it's all empty calories.
Re: the thread title

IMO Joel and family looked pretty good on the beach. They're fit enough and comely enough, though too pale.
I think Joel just doesn't know much about Mormonism. As he freely admits, he's never been to seminary. And he never even finished college. Reportedly, he attended Oral Roberts University for two years, didn't graduate. His lack of depth of knowledge on any theological question seems obvious from all his interviews.

But so far as electing a president? What Joel says about Romney is good enough for me for that purpose. Romney isn't an orthodox Christian, but a member of a Christian-based cult. So what? He's a man of faith and sound moral values, even if his theology is wacky. That's not a reason to not elect him president... although on the issues, I'd prefer Newt... but of course Newt is very dubious on the moral front.
Izdaari said:
I think Joel just doesn't know much about Mormonism. As he freely admits, he's never been to seminary. And he never even finished college. Reportedly, he attended Oral Roberts University for two years, didn't graduate. His lack of depth of knowledge on any theological question seems obvious from all his interviews.

He would do well to take a sobering look at James 3:1 for his ignorance, and 2 Peter chapter 2 for his self-esteem tripe.

Izzy said:
But so far as electing a president? What Joel says about Romney is good enough for me for that purpose. Romney isn't an orthodox Christian, but a member of a Christian-based cult. So what? He's a man of faith and sound moral values, even if his theology is wacky. That's not a reason to not elect him president... although on the issues, I'd prefer Newt... but of course Newt is very dubious on the moral front.

Agree that the test for presidency should not be how orthodox an individual's beliefs are in terms of Christianity.  At this point, I'd vote for Donald Duck, or Marcion back from the dead rather than Mr Obama.