Abolishing the ATF.

Seems like the FBI could have a branch that handles it and eliminate a lot of overlap.

I feel like the function needs done but since we don't have the bootleg problem we don't need a seperate agency.

Not the most important thing on our plate right now. Same with Gulf od Mexico name change. We need to stay focused on the things that matter most and worry about the rest later.

America First act comes next
Save act nect
Valid act after that
Reines act next
Funding for expanded border security and finishing the wall. Democrats say it ineffective and useless, just agree and say its symbolic of our secure border and build it with advanced electronics and cameras and maybe drone stations every 100 miles.
Interesting. I know an older guy who worked for ATF for years. He might still work for them. I think he did some undercover stuff, so I really don’t know if he’s actually retired or not, and I know better than to ask. 😎