10 Myths About Introverts

Great article. Thanks for sharing the link.

Half of #8 applies to me. I am definitely a nerd, but nowhere near aloof.

Great article.  Sounds exactly like me.  Especially, "If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down."
I am friendly, but I am not outgoing. So, as the article says, if you want to talk, come up to me and start talking, because -- unless I already know you and am comfortable with you -- I won't come up to you.
I had my wife read it.  I've always been only able to take social gatherings in small doses (especially large parties) and when I'm done, I'm exhausted.  I'm famous at family get-togethers for hiding out in the quietest room and there are certain places with lots of ads and loud music that I cannot go to for very long because they make my head want to explode.  Guess I'm a typical introvert.
Thanks for sharing.
pastorryanhayden said:
I had my wife read it.  I've always been only able to take social gatherings in small doses (especially large parties) and when I'm done, I'm exhausted.  I'm famous at family get-togethers for hiding out in the quietest room and there are certain places with lots of ads and loud music that I cannot go to for very long because they make my head want to explode.  Guess I'm a typical introvert.
Thanks for sharing.

I'm the same way...
pastorryanhayden said:
I had my wife read it.  I've always been only able to take social gatherings in small doses (especially large parties) and when I'm done, I'm exhausted.  I'm famous at family get-togethers for hiding out in the quietest room and there are certain places with lots of ads and loud music that I cannot go to for very long because they make my head want to explode.  Guess I'm a typical introvert.
Thanks for sharing.

My wife is an extreme extrovert so she had a hard time understanding me at times. About 10 years ago, an elderly woman from our church put the book below in her hand and told her to read it. (It is a secular book so it is not coming from a Christian angle.). It was like a light turned on for my wife. :)

Don't know if your wife is a reader or not or if you would like to, but here is a book recommendation:

I love people and hate crowds. I can speak to a crowd but would rather talk to a person.

If I were to meet you in person our conversation would start with me asking you where you are from, what high school did you attend (and what was the school's mascot; a mental collection/hobby for me). Teens and such get the obligatory "what are your future plans" question with a couple of twists.

"What do you want to be if you grow up?"

"If I grow up?"

Bam, conversation is now under way.

If they answer straight after missing the "if" I then ask them if they know why old people always ask young people that question. "Cause we are still looking for options."

Either of those will usually draw the introvert out to play. Mostly it is just asking them about them. It helps that I am fascinated by people in general and love to hear their stories in particular.

We volunteer at a bible camp. One of my favorite things is asking people how they got involved there. Each person is a part of the camp's history and part of His story.

I also love the "small world" game. Finding out that a person you just met has some connection to your life through some other person or ministry.

While I am prone to the reflection/introspection spoken of in the link, I hate to be alone. This is more related to activities. Fishing, hunting, ball games, walks and such are no fun for me if I have no one to share them with.

I don't know if I am an introvert or an extrovert. I do know that I am one of a kind and fit few if any "normal" molds.
I have a very difficult time with personal conversation in general. Even as I get older, I seem to struggle more and more with it. It isn't that I don't want to engage or be around people, I just don't have anything to add.

Facebook and Twitter kill me because I I have nothing to initiate. I do better responding than initiating.

Many times when I am in conversation with someone, I'm stuck with the choice of listening or trying to figure out the next question to ask. It is like my mind goes blank and I am thinking about what I should be thinking about. But I'm weird that way...
I'm more of a one-on-one person.  Put me in a crowd and I'm likely to "serve".  Need coffee?  I'll get it for you.  Goodness, I'll find the pot and serve the room if the paid staff is not paying proper attention.

I have very few friends, but many friendly acquaintances. 