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  1. prophet

    KJVOs and Other versions from the TR

    It was past tense in the 14th Century, turd burglar. 1 Corinthians 1:18 (WYC) For the word of the cros is foli to hem that perischen; but to hem that ben maad saaf, that is to seie, to vs, it is the vertu of God.
  2. prophet

    KJVOs and Other versions from the TR

    I have never seen "lobotomy" spelled: "rigorous exegesis" before.
  3. prophet

    The (not so) Great Awakening

    Same old Satan, same old theatrics, same old fakes. The Church has been underground for 2 millenniums. Public spectacles are usually the Enemy's devices.
  4. prophet

    KJVOs and Other versions from the TR

    Yes, this jackass does. His future in Hell has him irritable.
  5. prophet

    The Worthless Thread for Specifically Increasing Post Numbers

    I'm gonna keep my MAW opinion out of this. I was at NAS Glenview til it shut down. I heard both sides of this ad nauseum. 😎
  6. prophet

    The Worthless Thread for Specifically Increasing Post Numbers

    Maybe he should quit messing with God's Bride?
  7. prophet

    The Worthless Thread for Specifically Increasing Post Numbers

    Wow, that fake news bible butchered "vexation of spirit"!!! What a crock!
  8. prophet

    So close your eyes and tell me.......

    I still remember the absolute shock, the first time we missed church (My Father was the driver) in mid-Winter, baby sitting a junk heap til Vinyard or whoever he sent, got there. I though we were all in trouble! Turns out, only I Hammond Baptist the next day. College students bought me...
  9. prophet

    So close your eyes and tell me.......

    I preached in the LCJC (juvenile detention center), and we would get to the morning service with 1-2 minutes to spare. Sometimes, I snuck in during the prayer. It helps that the FBC people didn't know I was in College, and had watched me stand in the Hallway for years, as an HB Reb. 🤣
  10. prophet

    Russell Anderson co-founder of Hyles Anderson College goes to Heaven at 91

    I knew him as my Dad's visitation partner, and golf buddy, and the greeter at church.
  11. prophet

    Russell Anderson co-founder of Hyles Anderson College goes to Heaven at 91
  12. prophet

    Does God Hold Us Accountable for Voting?

    The Constitution is the only power "over us", under God, in the US. Police are armed gangs working for the political party in power.
  13. prophet

    Did Jesus Visit England?

    Since my post was deleted for "implied swearing", can someone p.m. me with a copy of what I said? I have no idea what was deleted, and had no intention of promising anyone anything. I have no idea how this works, so I am sure I am posting this in the wrong place, but this is the thread I was...
  14. prophet

    Did Jesus Visit England?

    Oh, yeah, I forgot Metallica, the poser band, went Country in the 90's.
  15. prophet

    Did Jesus Visit England?

    The real kicker is that the Royals may be Egyptian....
  16. prophet

    Did Jesus Visit England?

    Taking advantage of Natives is a good way For Satan to toss a stumbling block against Christianity, before our People....which was precisely the result. 😓
  17. prophet

    Did Jesus Visit England?

    Yup. Old Joe claims that Jesus showed up in a White that was our first clue. 😜🤣🪶🦬🤟
  18. prophet

    Does God Hold Us Accountable for Voting?

    Don't leave out the "Back the Blue" psy-op. Idiots licking the boots of the thugs Satan sent to destroy them. Guess who is coming to round uo the Christians? The Blue, fools! And I will never vote for a Republican again, much less the Coward, Donald Trump. I'll go back to writing in Ron Paul.