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  1. voicecrying

    Rebooting Riplinger

    This looks like it will be a fun group. :)
  2. voicecrying

    Can a Christian be a Californian?

    With taxes and spending going to support the liberal agenda, can a Christian be a Californian?
  3. voicecrying

    Hey kids, don't forget the age of accountability...

    doesn't apply to bad-mouthing the preacher. Had a dream last night and all I remember about it is someone saying that. :-) Exciting dreams, I know.
  4. voicecrying

    Do any of you have experience with One of the guys in my men's group suggested doing one of the video series. I have never heard of it before. Is it solid, spit-out-the-bones, or avoid like the plague?
  5. voicecrying

    Kohl's cash

    Do we have to tithe on our Kohl's cash? :D Was reading Brant Hansen's new book and he raised this question.
  6. voicecrying

    Former forum member Annette

    Annette's husband, Mario, passed away yesterday. Keep her and the family in your prayers.
  7. voicecrying

    Where are they?

    Several regulars have been missing in action. Did they post that they would be separating from us?
  8. voicecrying

    My profile pic

    Since it was asked in the other thread which has since been closed so I can't reply there - my profile pic is from September 2022. I was 54 at the time. Hair is still the same. :)
  9. voicecrying

    Is God a Moral Monster?

    I just finished reading "Is God a Moral Monster? Making Sense of the Old Testament God" by Paul Copan. He addresses many common complaints/objections about Christianity and the common misunderstanding of God in the Old Testament. He addresses topics such as misogyny, ethnic cleansing, child...
  10. voicecrying

    Is Blue Oyster Occult?

  11. voicecrying

    Betrothed: Unveiling the Gospel through the Ancient Hebraic Wedding

    What do you think of this message?
  12. voicecrying

    The Abolition of Sex

    Just finished reading this book and heartily recommend it to everyone. It is only 130 pages, so not a long read at all. Her argument is from a purely secular nature - no mention of Bible, Jesus, or Christianity. The basis of her argument is that "all of transgenderism is misogynistic and...
  13. voicecrying

    Paul vs Jesus

    Sadly, grannylo is following the path of smellincoffee, arguing on Facebook that Paul taught his own gospel which isn't the same gospel that Jesus taught. And apparently, Peter was wrong to endorse Paul's writings in 2 Peter 3.
  14. voicecrying

    3 Days: Solving the Passion Week Paradoxes

    My mother-in-law gave me this book by JG Williams. Has anyone read it? I found his arguments were circular and lacking. He believes in a Wednesday crucifixion. It was obvious he can't believe in a Friday crucifixion because that's what the Catholics believe and they are a bunch of dufuses, and...
  15. voicecrying

    Dolly's new song World on Fire

    What do you think about Dolly's new song?
  16. voicecrying

    Kent Hovind & the KJV

    A friend on Facebook posted this today. :D
  17. voicecrying

    I need a new place to minister

    Does anyone know of any places, preferably in the SW Ohio area, where people aren't sinning so I can minister to them? :D
  18. voicecrying

    Thought police in action

    Not because of anything any of the ACU students have done - solely because of the biblical beliefs.
  19. voicecrying

    Heaven must receive until

    Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the time for restoring all the things about which God spoke by the mouth...
  20. voicecrying

    Jesus Revolution

    Just saw an ad for this - a movie about the Jesus Freak movement. Is anyone planning to see it?