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    Post Mortem - Why Did Clarks Summit University Close This is a very lengthy article so I will try to summarize: The author believes Clarks Summit (the former Bible Baptist College) was managed incompetently, in contrast with sister school Faith...
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    Dictatorial Preacher Rule - Where It All Began

    Joel Carpenter, in his book "Revive Us Again - The Reawakening of American Fundamentalism" (1997) describes the fundamentalism of the 1930s as characterized by combativeness, by "militancy," "machismo," "aggressiveness," and "pugnacity." He notes nicknames that were "more appropriate for boxers...
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    King James-Only Hysterics Refuted Some of the points in this article: the 1611 KJV translators accepted even imperfect translations such as the Septuagint as the Word of God. They included variant readings in...
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    Jewish Scholars Say the Land Promise To Israel Is Conditional

    Since the question has been raised on our forum of whether the land promise to Abraham and his descendants is conditional or unconditional, I hereby present the teachings of Jewish scholars on that issue: Avraham Burg, former Speaker of the Knesset: "We're not the Chosen People just by virtue...
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    Just Horsing Around - Not Enough Horses in the World to Fulfill Revelation 9:16

    "And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them." -Revelation 9:16 The standard pre-trib dispensensationalist interpretation of this passage is that this predicts an invasion of the Middle East from somewhere east of the Euphrates...
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    Pool Boy's Tell-All Book

    Has anyone here read Giancarlo Granda's book "Off the Deep End - Jerry and Becki Falwell and the Collapse of an Evangelical Dynasty" (2022) and have any comments about it? It is the inside story of the sleaze and hypocrisy of the leadership at the world's largest Christian university, and we...
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    Short Term Missions

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    Church Sued For Misappropriation of Tithe Money

    I am not sure what to make of this - Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas is being sued for failure to direct contributions to global missions as promised. The Gateway leadership...
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    Are We Living In the Last Days?

    Interesting commentary - I agree with this writer, pastor of Nora Community Church in Nora, Illinois: "Many Christians are looking at the news today and thinking the day of the Lord’s return is imminent. Some have even...
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    Christian Attire - The 90% Rule

    For the first time in history that I am aware of, a fundamentalist has proposed a numerical standard for Christian attire. Dr. Shelton Smith said this, as an addendum to a discussion of mixed bathing, in the August 2, 2024 issue of "Sword of the Lord," page 20: "I simply do not believe that...
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    Megachurch Shuts Down - Can't Get Liability Insurance

    The Meeting House in Oakville, Ontario has had to cancel all worship meetings and in-person activities because no insurer will provide liability insurance for this congregation. The reason is because 4 of their pastors have been "credibly accused of sexual misconduct."...
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    New BJU President, Same Old Controversies

    For those who have any interest in what is going on at one of America's largest and most influential fundamentalist colleges, this is an article by a BJU alumnus, expressing his hopes for the new President and his disgruntlement with the recently departed President Steve Pettit. He is not happy...
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    Clarks Summit University (IFB) Now On Life Support

    For those wondering what will be the next IFB college to go under, Clarks Summit College (formerly GARBC-approved Baptist Bible College) appears to be a good candidate for possible closing.
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    Conference on the Church for God's Glory

    Interesting item about an annual conference I never heard of until now, at First Baptist Church (IFB) in Rockford, Illinois. "The conference has always focused on conservative music and expositional preaching, though it has featured presentations of other sorts. Furthermore, CCGG was organized...
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    How Evangelism Was Corrupted Among Independent Baptists This is a lengthy article but worth perusing. David Cloud cites John R. Rice and other authorities who taught repentance prior to the 1970s, such as Leon Maurer: "A rotely memorized prayer or some repeated...
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    Manifestations of Fundamentalism - BJU and Gothard Rated Low, HAC Rated Lowest "Weird Comes in Many Forms - The quest for safe spaces sent many Christian teens and their parents and pastors to packed sports arenas around the country where rapt audiences...
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    And . . . He's Gone - Steve Pettit Resigns at BJU Comments from Sharper Iron: I don't know what this is all about - is it about some people wanting to go...
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    Should We Donate to Winos and Junkies?

    No, according to this blogger, Pastor Jason Kaspar, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, LaGrange, Texas: "The last, indiscriminate charity can be directly harmful to the beggar. I once ran across a woman who reported an example as normative in her giving. 'This man, an obvious alcoholic, had a...
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    Why Authoritarian Pastoral Leadership Once Worked (But No Longer)

    How is it that the principle of dictatorial pastoral leadership worked so well, during the glory days of the IFB movement in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, but not so well today? Kevin Schaal, president of Foundations Baptist Fellowship International, has a plausible explanation. "The great...
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    PCC Cancels Singers Appearance Because One Is Gay

    There is a big fuss over Pensacola canceling an appearance of a British group called the King's Singers because of the gay lifestyle of one of the singers. A no-win situation for PCC - they paid the performers anyway for the canceled gig. They would have been heavily criticized by their own...