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  1. Smellin Coffee

    "He Gets Us"

    Interesting commercials but here's my view: it is an attempt to bring piety back to Evangelicalism or perhaps a tool to whitewash it's actions and intents. In the Super Bowl ads, the producers used characters of power to wash the feet of those who are oppressed (primarily those ostracized by...
  2. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    Purity culture is deeper than the concept of virginity. It is the lack of GENERAL teaching of "proper touch" vs. "improper touch" but rather "avoid all touch". (ALL touch was considered "improper".) It teaches it is the women's responsibility or to limit men's lust by their dress so when a girl...
  3. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    You just might be correct but with the IFB being ripe with child abuse, one has to wonder how these children are being groomed and how many victims families kept such abuse hidden. FYI, I apply this DNA not only to the IFB, but both Evangelicalism and Catholicism as well. It isn't just IFB but...
  4. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Certainly a Christian should interpret Scripture based on its context rather than the English grammar that hadn't even been formed at the time it was written. ;)
  5. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Or perhaps there is other hermeneutic to interpret that statement in context of Judaism. ;)
  6. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    Yeah, telling little girls to dress up like a grown woman so you can go out on a date with her is being kind "with no expectation". If you can't see the grooming and inappropriate behaviors in that practice, you will never be able to see why I left Western Christianity. This is the point in my...
  7. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Thank you for understanding my point and admission of uncertainty (at a point, of course). We all put faith into something and I'm totally fine with coming to different conclusions as long as we respectfully allow each other to make individual conclusions as well. :) Though this list isn't...
  8. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    All mimsy were the borogoves and the mome raths outgrabe. :P
  9. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    I believe scientists know much more about those disciplines than I do so I have to trust their judgement at times.
  10. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    To piggyback on why there is a God, Aquinas gives 5 reasons, details of which can be read in his Summa Theologiae: 1. The argument of the "first mover" (Cosmological) 2. The argument from universal causation (Cosmological) 3. The argument from contingency (Ontological) 4. The argument from...
  11. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    My premise is solely my current opinion and subject to change as I grow and gather more information. My premise is subject to contradiction as we are all contradictory by nature. My premise is not infallible. My premise is by no means exhaustive. My premise is not authoritative over anyone. I...
  12. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    FYI, I am NOT arguing for Unitarianism. I don't believe it. The point I was making is that hermeneutic is relative and the Evangelical hermeneutic differs from that of Unitarians who are also biblically educated. At the core, the argument really isn't about whether or not Jesus was God but...
  13. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Actually, they do:
  14. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Heresy operates on the premise of presupposition so to discount hermeneutic based on "socialism" (which DOES have a heavy Christian connection, particularly 100 years ago) is ignoring possible correct interpretation because it doesn't fit an apologetic of confirmation bias.
  15. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    I'm not Unitarian but their hermeneutic would disagree with your hermeneutic. Trinitarians will look at Jesus’ phrase “egō eimi” and conclude that he is claiming the same name that God gives for himself in Exodus 3:14. However, this is faulty logic for multiple reasons. First, Jesus does not...
  16. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    Your illustration is duly noted but there is one problem: I am a being whereas God is not. God is not a being (a living thing that exists) because beings have limitations. In order for God not to be limited, it (God) must be BEING itself. Hence, the worship of a projection of any being is...
  17. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    So the worship of Allah is the same as the worship of Jehovah?
  18. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    Anderson might have not had nefarious intent but he still committed the practice. This is how the IFB culture operates. Why would he give gifts to just her and not her siblings? Why would he "date" just her? Why did he determine what SHE wore on the date and not the rest of her family? The...
  19. Smellin Coffee

    There is no "God of the Bible"

    There is no “God of the Bible” and I don’t mean that in some kind of atheistic “all gods are fairy tales” kind of way. I mean it in the sense that the Bible does not present a single depiction of God; rather it presents numerous different and frequently contradictory depictions of God. The...
  20. Smellin Coffee

    Russell Anderson

    Grooming is a problem in the IFB. If Anderson didn't know what he was doing, it just shows how benign the grooming of adolescent girls is viewed in IFB circles.