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  1. Ekklesian

    Well Done

    He gave a good response, but the response isn't really for the tranny. It's for Christians. The 'so what?' is your gross mischaracterization of his obvious intents and purposes. Why do you do that? Is it because you like to accuse and indict Christians too?
  2. Ekklesian

    Well Done

    No one needs xray vision here. His question, where are they, was in the same spirit as we would ask Pelosi, where were the National Guard? It was accusatory.
  3. Ekklesian

    Well Done

  4. Ekklesian

    The All-Time Greatest American Author

    As far as prose is concerned, Twain is, hands down, the top dog, and only one of two American authors imposed upon students that I could actually read for pleasure. The other was Ring Lardner. As a juvenile, which was the time I did most of my fiction reading, I enjoyed the Hardy Boys series...
  5. Ekklesian

    The All-Time Greatest American Author

    Well if cartoonists are fair game, then Al Capp and Bill Watterson tie for first place.
  6. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    OMG. I was paraphrasing :rolleyes: I give up. Just go stack marbles. The both of you.
  7. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    You two crack me up :LOL: Let's try this again. You tried to say Carter was a moral pillar, compared to Trump. My quip was, Well sure, what temptress would find him appealing? More later, but can't let you get away with spins. You're bordering on lying now.
  8. Ekklesian

    Lyft Left off Lifting Laden Lady

    Rotund rapper sues. “So friend you mad because someone wasn’t comfortable with you getting in their car? I’m big too and I know some cars I have no business in. That car was already low to...
  9. Ekklesian

    Funny memes

  10. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

  11. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    An alleged affair . . . but I was making a quip about Barbara's looks... Now before you get all fakey indignant . . . don't try to say they never came up. They were a primary subject in lampooning Bush the First. I was a second-year senior in college during the 88 election (switched majors)...
  12. Ekklesian

    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    :LOL: No. The scandal. But wondering if urinals count as a wall. :unsure:
  13. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    LOL. Again, it was sarcasm about Carter's weakness, compared to Trump. Now, someone as insightful as yourself should know that, and I think you do. But honestly, if you're looking for a President's fidelity to praise...wouldn't HW's be a better candidate? 🧐
  14. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    Neither do I.
  15. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    Finally someone got the joke! ;)
  16. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter
  17. Ekklesian

    President Jimmy Carter

    Not if she can't read it.
  18. Ekklesian

    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    Any updates on this?
  19. Ekklesian

    Shocking Interview with Son of Steve Anderson

    Good for him. The time will come for all of us if we live long enough that to keep the bathroom clean, we'll have to sit like women.