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    Happy Birthday, Mr Webmaster

    Happy Birthday many blessings!! Thank you for the site
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    Pence Blames Trump for Hamas Attack

    thats a stupid remark don't claim others
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    Greg Locke the "new" Billy Graham? Or worse?

    This is the reason people don't trust so called men of God. To me they are men that can sin at anytime. I don't put them above anyone else. I've never like Greg locke and Billy Graham was a man of God. Remember this is just my opinion.
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    Is IFB a cult?

    Do you have any police reports to back this up? I don't question what you're saying its just so important for information. We have these reports from many sources saying the same things on this board.
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    I could not make it without the Lord. Psalms 121 has been my rock

    I could not make it without the Lord. Psalms 121 has been my rock
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    I work afternoon and many times I will be up doing laundry, cooking etc. Letting the dog out but...

    I work afternoon and many times I will be up doing laundry, cooking etc. Letting the dog out but I sleep in ....With the lost of my husband it is heartbreaking but God has always been faithful. Thank you for your prayers.
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    Bro Pennell was my pastor but sadly I lost all respect for him after he was found with other...

    Bro Pennell was my pastor but sadly I lost all respect for him after he was found with other women. Bro Traxler married me and my husband and has been a faithful servant . He retired his wife is my facebook friend.
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    Huk, Sherryh and others: ARE YOU OK?

    I'm in West Palm Beach. Many blessings
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    What were you doing when the planes struck on 9-11?

    I was teaching First Grade we packed up and everyone was dismissed. My police friend called me and said fill up gas, go to the bank and get cash out that you need. Stock up on groceries. I had real anxiety when I would fly in a plane and they would close the door. This time when I flew home to...
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    Huk, Sherryh and others: ARE YOU OK?

    Im in south Florida no problems here . I'm on the East coast thank you Lord we had no problems......
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    Your Thoughts on Gambling

    its worse than addiction
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    #1 Streaming Song in America - Says A Lot

    I shared it on my facebook page and didn't go to the facebook jail LOL
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    Fallen Pastors

    sociopath every time I read the meaning and how people act they fall into this category...... Nothing is ever done to correct the problem. They are moved to another location to follow the same steps. Sadly I was hoping with a new pastor things would be different they have the most of the staff...
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    Fallen Pastors

    there are no words ............
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    Move-in day

    Where is he going to college
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    Fallen Pastors

    dh will face God one day justice is coming
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    Good Pastors

    I forgot Dr Mike Kalapp he was my pastor when I came to Florida. He's retired but still serving people. He is the reason my husband and I came to Florida. Danny worked as youth pastor under his ministry. I taught school for him for many years. I love him as family. His wife is what a pastors...
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    Good Pastors

    Good pastors Dr Vernon Nelms he was my pastor in Michigan Dr Jim Blalock my pastor now in Florida Ken Coleman retired now Dusty Cooper still does mission trips
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    Fallen Pastors

    RUN if this is still around....
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    The f word is not acceptable..........