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    Current State of HAC

    Because the leaders planned ahead.........
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    Current State of HAC

    If the college or church was important wouldn't you think to plan ahead? Yes its going to change but put people in charge that love the ministry and people.
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    Current State of HAC

    Several years ago the staff retired and left . The grade of classes is unknown. I don't follow what they preach or live.
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    Bob Gray Sr goes all in the Dave Hyles

    This is why churches are laughed at people refuse to believe God. dh has destroyed many lives. God spared me but I saw it all happening. I get sick at my stomach looking at this picture. justice will come not always when we want it..........
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    Can't wait to see the changes. We lived through 4 years of destruction lets see what can be rebuilt
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    Remember you can have money one day and the next its gone...Palm Beach has taught me that LOL
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    President Jimmy Carter

    Praying for his family
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    DOGE Savings Already Started

    You can tell I pay attention LOL!! Have a great day
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    DOGE Savings Already Started

    The clock is off its 10:18am not 4:17pm I would be working....LOL
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    DOGE Savings Already Started

    I love this thread I have laughed tooo much. The tomatoes cracked me up............
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    DOGE Savings Already Started

    Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel built Grand Rapids . I'm sure Musk will make sure its paid along with Harris bills..............
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    kilauea volcano erupting again ...

    Its beautiful but I would be scared to death to live anywhere near this. Merry Christmas and many blessings
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    Pool Boy's Tell-All Book

    Its her opinion everyone has one get in line........
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    Deep Men of Faith Equal Good Leaders?

    My first thought is their character and relationship with God.
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    IFB X-Files, Merry Christmas thank you for always uplifting me when I'm out in space and bringing me back down to earth with your humor. Many blessings you are loved and appreciated ......
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    Any FFFrs Visit This Church Before?

    Never saw it or heard of it before.
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    There is nothing wrong with going to the movies this is where you teach your children what should I watch? Preachers preach against movies but live immorally I never understood that ....
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    Pray for Phil Robertson and family...

    I love the family praying for Phil . Thank you for sharing
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    American Heritage: A New Christian-Only Community in Tennessee

    Did you know the Muslims in Dearborn voted for Trump? They want to be successful just like you and I .