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    Clarence Sexton with the Lord

    Praying for his family
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    How many?

    Gringo, This is not made up dh destroyed many lives in Hammond, Garland, Pinellas Park etc. No one is making this up. Talk to the people in Pinellas Park. This has been discuss on the forum before so the information is here look it up.
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    Pastor Wilkerson apologizes.

    No mention of her.
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    Pastor Wilkerson apologizes.

    sword, I'm on my way to work I'll try and answer you tonight when I get home.
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    How many?

    I believe it could be 100's.................
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    Pastor Wilkerson apologizes.

    I am very disappointed in Bro. Wilkerson never helped Joy Evans . Never met with the lady who came to speak with him about her abuse from Let us prey. I deleted all my contacts
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    I attend an IFB church my pastor does not allow anyone to harm a child/adult. He screens people and is not afraid of speaking out on this . Early in his ministry he faced this in Michigan and left the church.
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    How does a church keep insurance when they hear these reports.
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    Not at all
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    Give us your opinion of the series when you watch it. Can't wait to hear back from you......
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    I've been surprised which I shouldn't be that Dr Wilkerson would not meet with Joy or the other ladies . I believe its the deacons controlling the situation. I could be wrong which I doubt. Just my gut feeling. I have no respect for him........
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    it's on cable channel Investigation Discovery ID
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    Pastor Wilkerson apologizes.

    Thats what I'm waiting for apology for I believe he's controlled by the deacons...sad and I'm deleting all of hac/fbc
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    Anyone watch Let's us Prey on ID

    This was about the abuse of seven ladies from around the country from IFB leaders. It was great it made me ashamed to know who they were talking about and for years nothing was done. I hope now they are looking over their shoulder knowing they are coming after them. I'm so glad that justice was...
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    thanksgiving plans?

    Gringo Happy Birthday many blessings
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    thanksgiving plans?

    My roommate and I are going to church for an hour. Then to cracker barrel for the Thanksgiving dinner. I got in my car today and realized Danny is in heaven. I cried and went to work. I'm off for the next few days life without your best friend is unspeakable. I must carry on I want him to be...
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    First Baptist Creation Seminar Issues?

    Nothing shocks me WOW and he wouldn't even help Joy ...............
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    First Baptist Creation Seminar Issues?

    He never did his homework he followed the deacons and that's the rest of the story........... This is just my thoughts............
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    Dropped in to say "Hi!"

    Great to see you my friend. Thank you for your sense of humor.