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    The Odd Timing of Jack Hyles

    I was there 9 years I came in 1975 and left in 1983 were you in the church?
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    David Baker arrested

    Tony Hutson doesn't preach if you watch its all about show and how he can can get a response from the people watching. Curtis Hutson was a preacher there is NO comparison
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    I have never laughed so hard. I needed that ..........
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    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    I believe everything I read he was trying to explain so we could understand. I had a couple tell me that when the church needed money they would lock the doors and not let you out until you paid up. I'm just surprized no one called the police. But it was a different time
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    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    Read the book
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    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    that is a blessing Amen!!
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    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    Bob Gray has always been a bully in his preaching. No one should be shocked in his blocking people . He can dish it out but can't take it ...we may his next sermon title. This is what bullies are all long as people suck up to him he will exist.
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    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    Wow Bob gray can dish it out but can't take it .............What a baby
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    Leadership Class?

    It sounds like one of Bro Hyles books. I threw them all away when Danny died. It could be Schapp book or dh as I'm looking at it.
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    I love what they are finding lets close FEMA they have failed in NC .........
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    Prospective College Student Questions

    I've been to PCC for Teacher Conferences which were the best. Its an all round great school. The education for teacher or nurse whatever is great. Go for a visit with an open mind. I wish you the best
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    Current State of HAC

    This is just my thoughts if I were going to college I would attend PCC or Liberty . You are going to do well .
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    Current State of HAC

    I worked for my tution when I was in college and worked summers when I was home. I had no debt that was 1975.
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    Current State of HAC

    I don't trust Wilkerson when he praises the calfornia pastor Treiber . Treiber never said a word about the abuse of young teens. I don't forget
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    Current State of HAC

    I went the early years I would never go back .....I don't listen to the preaching.
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    Restored Fallen Pastors

    You have character and truth that many do not have. I have great respect for you. Thank you for sharing.
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    It’s official now, folks!

    I hate to call people stupid but they qualified
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    It’s official now, folks!

    Lets sit back and watch what can be done with surrounding yourself with successful people who love America.....
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    It’s official now, folks!

    I missed the sworn in but saw the people coming into chamber.