The Odd Timing of Jack Hyles

IFB X-Files

Well-known member
Jan 10, 2013
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Dark side of Zarus 3
This thought came to me today about how odd the "timing" of Jack Hyles was concerning my family.

I'll make separate posts, as it's all about the numbers.
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My mother visited us once, and we took her to church. My mother was a staunch Methodist and disliked the fact that I had, after salvation, become a Baptist.

On that particular Sunday, for no apparent reason, Hyles mentioned John Wesley. I mean...REALLY? On that day when Mom was there? She did not like that one bit!
My in-laws came to visit and agreed to attend the morning service. As usual, Dr. Hyles asked the visitors to stand, but my in-laws did not.

What happened next, and I had not seen it before, was that he sensed a "lack of participation" and then told EVERYONE to stand. Then he said, "If you are a member of this church, please be seated."

That left my in-laws standing (at least they were honest). I have been amazed at these two events for years.
I don't know the time period you are referencing. I was there almost 50 years ago. Although there would have been obvious theological differences, when I heard him refer to John Wesley or his mother, it was in a positive light.
My in-laws came to visit and agreed to attend the morning service. As usual, Dr. Hyles asked the visitors to stand, but my in-laws did not.

What happened next, and I had not seen it before, was that he sensed a "lack of participation" and then told EVERYONE to stand. Then he said, "If you are a member of this church, please be seated."

That left my in-laws standing (at least they were honest). I have been amazed at these two events for years.
Someone must have told him your family was in town? is that possible?
As usual, Dr. Hyles asked the visitors to stand, but my in-laws did not.

What happened next, and I had not seen it before, was that he sensed a "lack of participation" and then told EVERYONE to stand.

See, I would have stayed seated both times. Don't ask me to sing along, and don't ask me to stand up and be recognized.
Remember the mentality of, "Get them to respond?"
Stand and sing......
Stand if you're a visitor.....
Laugh at the funny stories......
Cry at the sad ones....
Stand for the invitation.....
Come forward..
And VOILA, we have a convert because we have conditioned them to respond.
This thought came to me today about how odd the "timing" of Jack Hyles was concerning my family.

I'll make separate posts, as it's all about the numbers.
I was there 9 years I came in 1975 and left in 1983 were you in the church?
Remember the mentality of, "Get them to respond?"
Stand and sing......
Stand if you're a visitor.....
Laugh at the funny stories......
Cry at the sad ones....
Stand for the invitation.....
Come forward..
And VOILA, we have a convert because we have conditioned them to respond.

Yes, I hated that kind of emotional manipulation.

We taught to tell (lie to) our converts "I want to go to the front - will you go with me?"... and then introduce them to the guy at the front as someone who was recently saved.

Anything to keep the numbers up!
My mother visited us once, and we took her to church. My mother was a staunch Methodist and disliked the fact that I had, after salvation, become a Baptist.

On that particular Sunday, for no apparent reason, Hyles mentioned John Wesley. I mean...REALLY? On that day when Mom was there? She did not like that one bit!

Did he say something bad about John Wesley? I found most IFB and even IFBx tend to hold great reverence for dead Protestants...