I hadn't realized it had been that long.
It's a good question; it's a fair question -- after thinking about it for a few minutes, I think there were two things.
First, a couple of years ago when I was on here regularly, there was little discussions of value: some people kept dropping in to say how great and wonderful someone (Justin Cooper?) was (and he never answered my questions of why he was great), and many of the discussions just started name-calling. This kind of led me to not feel it was worth checking here regularly... and I have many other interests that ate up my time.
Second, a little background: God has been good to, opening my eyes to the cult-like world of Hyles, Gray, Sr, and others of that ilk that my family was involved in. It was not just me; the wife & kids were unhappy as well, and we eventually left. We found a church where the people had genuine love for each other and an excellent preacher; he didn't brow-beat people: he taught truths from the Scriptures that the Holy Spirit used to work on me (and I assume on all the people). We have all slowly recovered from our time in the IFBx world. (So much for the background)
A few weeks ago, we went to a conference that brought those memories back afresh... one of the speakers used his pulpit time to castigate the people and churches there for not having the great numbers of "souls saved" as did the "great " Jack Hyles and Carl Hatch. One of his preaching sessions was, I think, ripped from "Let's Go Soul-Winning" by Hyles, and another message was all about how a Christian's ONLY fruit was another Christian, and if you weren't seeing people saved, there is something wrong with you. While I know that these teachings are fake, it did trigger memories, including the help I found here.
So I think that is why I came back.
Speaking of numbers, a friend of mine told me about a missionary his church supports. Last year, he reported over 30,000 people "saved", but his attendance changed by 5-10 people. This is not Biblical salvation. When the Holy Spirit counted the people saved at Pentecost (not men!), there were 3,000 saved, 3,000 baptized, and 3,000 that "continued steadfastly". Such "missionaries" are doing terrible harm trying to reassure 30,000 that they are saved without seeing of any change from the new birth occurs. So, yes, the crazy numbers racket is still going on.