Recent content by Ransom

  1. Ransom

    Random Pictures

    But did anyone else see Hook in the theatre and get blown away by Robin Williams's tiny MicroTAC flip phone?
  2. Ransom

    Start with Alberta?

    We can thank Trudeau Jr. for that. Justin is nowhere near the statesman his father was.
  3. Ransom

    Start with Alberta?

    Why would we want the Left Coast? We've already got legal weed.
  4. Ransom

    Start with Alberta?

    We will not be. We like the States and all--we wouldn't have the longest undefended border in the world otherwise, to say nothing of importing all your entertainment. We're joined together at the hip. We're very much like you, but it's been part of the Canadian identity for decades--if not...
  5. Ransom

    Random Pictures

    Ah. Apparently you missed all the high-school girls trying to look like poodles.
  6. Ransom

    Biden Putting Hands on Melania

    At least she thought ahead and had her hair up under the hat.
  7. Ransom

    Random Pictures

    Where were you during the 80s?
  8. Ransom

    The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

    You're just saying that because you hate drinking flowers.
  9. Ransom

    David Baker arrested

    This one? Don't know about psychedelic colours. The models aren't even proper hippies. (This is the edition my dad still has on his bookshelf.)
  10. Ransom

    The Odd Timing of Jack Hyles

    See, I would have stayed seated both times. Don't ask me to sing along, and don't ask me to stand up and be recognized.
  11. Ransom

    The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

    I would have thought lemonade-sippin and beer-sippin were polar opposites. But I like beer and make lemonade with lavender in it, so what do I know.
  12. Ransom

    Florida: Home of the Garden of Eden

    I said nothing about "in this thread." At the time of Moses, the Middle Assyrian Empire was on its way to becoming the dominant power in the region, and Moses married a Cushite. Obviously those nations were known to his audience. As for Havilah, Moses knew there were gold and gemstones there...
  13. Ransom

    Junior is OUT

    At the Liberal Party leadership convention today, Mark Carney won by a landslide, meaning that he is slated to become our next prime minister once he's sworn in. Carney is a former governor of the Bank of Canada and Bank of England. He has never been elected to office--a first in Canadian...
  14. Ransom

    Dictatorial Preacher Rule - Where It All Began

    I'd have to punt on that question. It's beyond my knowledge. Maybe someone else can pick up on it.
  15. Ransom

    Dictatorial Preacher Rule - Where It All Began

    Keep in mind that there's a kind of arms race between some of these IFB guys. They're literally trying to be holier than thou. So one pastor forbids women to wear jeans, but permits culottes, since they're baggy and not too revealing. The next guy bans those, too, on the technicality that...