Recent content by AverageJoe

  1. AverageJoe

    David Baker arrested

    I've got a copy of this out in my garage;
  2. AverageJoe

    The Longest Thread in the History of the FFF....

    We LOVED watching King of the Hill!
  3. AverageJoe

    What are you listening to right now?

    Oh, Brother...I am so sorry that you experience tinnitus. I myself have tinnitus associated with bilateral Menieres Disease. I also use white noise. Are there any other ways you have used to help control the symptoms associated with it? You're definitely in my prayers. Blessings.
  4. AverageJoe

    David Baker arrested

    My wife and I lived a block away from the SOTL, and it was waning then. That was from 1995-97. They used to have their papers in the IHOP, but hardly anyone was picking them up. Besides the Muslims and several Asian religions were complaining about them being in certain restaurants. I was...
  5. AverageJoe

    David Baker arrested

    Sword of the Lord
  6. AverageJoe

    David Baker arrested

    We visited his church several times back in the 90s. We worked with some people who went there and asked us to come visit. We got tired of the whine, fake crying and pleading, and the browbeating of folks, along with his outright lies. I'll never step foot back into his church or any church...
  7. AverageJoe

    Live Chat for SOTU

    True, but one seldom hears it called that by the media or the White House.
  8. AverageJoe

    Live Chat for SOTU

    They NEVER call the first speech of a new administration before both houses the SOTU. One wouldn't have had enough time to adequately prepared for such.
  9. AverageJoe

    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    I use LibreOffice from time to time. Love it!
  10. AverageJoe

    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    Thanks, Bob. I had forgotten that he had made it free. I'm going to read it over this coming weekend.
  11. AverageJoe

    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    I've still got Microsoft Works on my computer. I use it all the time in writing. I guess I just got used to using it over several others like Amipro. I lost that when I had a crash a few years back.
  12. AverageJoe

    Regarding Ukraine The US

    You're always welcome to your opinion, Ray.
  13. AverageJoe

    Regarding Ukraine The US

    He could have, at the very least, worn a sports jacket...but, it is what it is.
  14. AverageJoe

    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    Thanks, Scott. I thought I had a copy already, but, I didn't. I've got it on my list as being read, but, I really don't recall doing so.
  15. AverageJoe

    A new honor from Bob Gray Sr

    I would if I could find a copy. When I was very ill and unable to get out and about and was nearly bedridden, Jim would send me cassettes of his weekly services. He will never truly know how much that helped me. The church we were members of wouldn't even do that, nor did they come to check on...