What age did you start cooking?


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2012
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Also do you teach your sons/daughters to be able to cook?

I start cooking after college and I'm so thankful my husband could out cook me....Today I love to cook and collect recipes...I love to cook healthly meals..I could live on salads my whole life mixed with veggies!! My husband is a meat eater :)
Goodness, thinking back, I don't remember learning to cook from my mom, but from Home Ec, probably when I was somewhere between 13-15.  Frankly, I never considered my mom to be a talented cook when I was growing up.  I still have a couple of food issues, close to 40 years later, because of some of the meals she served when I was growing up.  Thankfully, she is a much better cook nowadays.  I enjoy going to her home for dinner. 

I know how to cook, but I don't enjoy it.  Considering that, I find it quite curious that I can make a meal, without a recipe, that closely resembles one I have enjoyed in a restaurant.

But my husband was definitely the talented cook in our family.  His mother was a professional chef.  He not only inherited her skill, but also her love for cooking.  Where I am more of a country cook, he was truly a gourmet chef.  And he passed his love of cooking to all of his three children. 

My son cooks a mean "piece of protein", which he usually brings to our table through his hunting/fishing skills!  Yes, I had to teach him that when you tell Mom you are cooking supper, there needs to be more than a hunk of meat on the plate.  ;) 
Inf, I worked 2 jobs growing up so I was never in the kitchen..........my mom is a southern lady and she can cook. She never allowed us in her kitchen I think she wanted to cook peacefully without kids under her.......LOL! My mom visits me in the south and escapes the cold winter so I can't wait for her cooking....we love to collect cookbooks which is alot of fun!!
Perhaps, if I ever travel down your way, you'll invite me for a meal.  Between you and your mom, I bet you can put on quite a tasty spread!  If you ever travel up my way, the restaurant tab is on me!  :)
If you ever come to south Florida please let me know.............you would be welcome in my home we are moving to Miami so I will be totally lost LOL! But I've found people are all the same if you're kind to them they will be to you..........there are exceptions to the rule LOL! I'm putting you on my friends list ....Thank you for your kindness........God uses people that's all He has to do His work!!
Sherry, you are one gracious lady!  If we were ever to meet, it's quite possible we would yack-a-doodle each other's ears off.  Yep, we'd be deaf, but we'd also be life-long friends.  8)

I'll tell you a little secret...many years ago, when I was just a child, way before I truly knew Jesus, I prayed to be gracious and wise.  It's the one prayer I've held close all these years.  I'm a work in progress, but since it's a life's work, I'm on track! 
I am the older daughter of two in  a family of seven children.  I learned to cook early enough that I don't remember when I didn't know.  The summer when I was 16, my four older brothers each worked two full-time jobs (second and third shifts), my parents were both busy with church work (Dad was pastor and Mom his secretary), so I kept house and laundry, kept the younger brother and sister (who were 8 and 10) quiet so brothers could sleep until about 1, at which time I had a large "Sunday dinner" type meal ready for nine people. 

I rarely use a recipe now.  People will ask for a recipe for something I've made, and I'm like, "Uh, I don't have one." 
I lived on a farm in Wisconsin growing up. So I was outside all the time working along side of my dad. When we came in the house, my mom had the meals ready. So not sure when I "learned" to cook. My oldest sister was a head cook for a Christian camp...she was awesome! People raved about her cooking. My other three sisters are excellent cooks. I do not like to cook except for holidays. I have a bland taste so not able to season my food. I do love to bake and can do that well. My husband is a great cook and has made perfect his biscuit and gravy recipe (which he just made this past Sunday)!! He has had some flops...mint white rice-kids still laugh over that one. I love pinterest, found some great recipes on it..beef stroganoff, chicken and dumplings. My girls and my boys can cook, more from watching their dad! So cant take credit for that. My oldest daughter likes to experiment with cupcakes and has created a few good ones.
I can not cook biscuits and gravy to save my life.............my mom will be here soon and she can save me............ :)
microwave cooking.............I warm soup or hot tea that's all I use the microwave for.......... :)
I did a lot of wave cooking when I was single. My wife and I love to cook together and usually whip something up for dinner as a team every night.
Thank God for men who know how to cook ...Amen!!

Holy Cow I have a early trip to Clewiston in the morning so I need to get some sleep!! God bless!!
I guess I could always cook some things. Dad taught me more than mom did. Mom did more of the cooking, but wasn't interested in teaching or having a helper. Dad was. 8)

But I didn't really get good at it 'til the last few years. I had a housemate who was an ace cook, at some things anyway, whom I learned from. And I started watching the Food Network: Good Eats, Bobby Flay's Throwdown, Iron Chef America, etc.

I don't have any kids, so that doesn't apply to me. 
I probably started making simple things on the stove top around 11 or so. My mom started teaching me to make easy stuff like chili when I was around 12.
i;m not sure.... i could have still been 4 but it was probably right after i turned 5...... it was right after my natural sister moved away to live with an uncle in hawaii... .she had taught me how to open cans of spaghettios and ravioli and cook them in a sauce pan... ..after she left i started doing that myself standing on a chair in front of the stove... ...it was an awesome feeling knowing how to do that.... about a year later i learned how to cook tv dinners and chicken pot pies in the oven... .felt like a regular chef after that....
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Aside from toasting toast, I don't cook - and never have. I guess I'm what would be called a "heater upper". I remember one time I bought a home and 9 months later I decided to sell it. I was getting it ready to show and I opened the oven and the cardboard was still in there. I had never opened the oven door.