Ironman takes on whole forum and wins!

You can never get Ironman's spirits down because he is IRONMAN

ivannette said:
i think it is wrong how you both treat people
i was thinking you both are atheists in disquise

Do you see how the others treat people or is it just one sided?  Have you called them atheists?  Look at some of the posts and see who treated who how first on the fighting forum and then come back with your self righteous judgment. 
ivannette said:
you and alayboy are similar
are you brothers

ivannette said:
i think it is wrong how you both treat people
i was thinking you both are atheists in disguise

Wow. I've heard Alayman called many things, but never an atheist.

I've never met the man, I only know him through his postings here and on the FFF. However, if I was a betting man, I'd wager that he is not an atheist. He may stir the pot sometimes, but we all do that at least once in our online life. Uses "inappropriate" language? Yes, and so have I. Doesn't make me an atheist, just walking in the flesh when I shouldn't be.

Anyway, just my $.02 worth.

As TRB would say, "Carry on."

