After Menopause - being serious - keep it clean

Still There

Apr 10, 2013
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Ladies - post menopausal .  Do you think sometimes you're going to go postal?  I've gone through the change many years ago and the last 6 months around the same time every month I've been having what seems those hormonal rages.  Now there's nothing happening - if you get my drift, but I'm crying, going through depression and my family gets my wrath of my 2 day "postal".  I've finally had enough and went to my gyno.  He said "it's all in my head".  I politely said to him "do you want me to smack you now or later?"  He said to me there's nothing female going on that, I guess I can understand that, but what is it?  He gave me an anti-depressant and it seems to help, but we'll see this time next month.  Any comments?  Have any of you gone through this?  I'm literally at my wits end with this and really don't understand. 
I went through early menopause (42), then had a hysterectomy 5 years later.  I'm sorry that I cannot speak to your particular problem.  Are you on hormone replacement therapy?  I never needed to do that.  I'm 10 years out and symptom-free.  Anyway, just a thought of why this might be happening to you.